Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 
    Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




Communication Arts (Mass Communication)

  • COMM 3313 - Journalism History

    3 hrs
    Survey course on the development of print journalism in America with emphasis on the evolution of United States newspapers. Course covers the major eras and figures in United States journalism history.
  • COMM 3320 - Television Production II

    3 hrs
    Advanced television production workshop. Emphasis on the development and producing of talk show, news magazine, and sitcom/drama format programming. Students are required to develop, write and produce one 30-minute talk show or news magazine program and one 30-minute sitcom/drama pilot.
    Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 3321 - Media Copy Writing

    3 hrs
    Techniques for writing effective advertising copy and campaigns for print, television and radio; principles and theories of communication applied to copy. Course also will introduce students to copy writing for the Web.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of the instructor.
    Offered: Spring.
  • COMM 3322 - Writing the Short Screenplay

    3 hrs
    Techniques for developing ideas and materials for screenplays 15 to 20 minutes in length. Requires the completion of a completed major scene treatment and a completed final draft.
    Prerequisite: Three semester hours of sophomore-level literature or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of even years.
  • COMM 3330 - Advanced Newsgathering

    3 hrs
    Continuation of basic newsgathering techniques and skills used in COMM 2330 , emphasis on in-depth story formats.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330 .
  • COMM 3338 - Marketing for the Media

    3 hrs
    Study of the techniques and evolution of media campaign planning and the use of various media vehicles for promotion and marketing.
  • COMM 3360 - Public Relations

    3 hrs
    Introduction to the practice of public relations in the U.S., with discussion of its major theories and related ethical principles. Includes impact of new technologies and social media.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of instructor
  • COMM 3370 - Print Editing

    3 hrs
    Study of editing skills with emphasis on AP style and grammar and structural problems associated with writing for traditional media (print news, public relations, magazines) and new media.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of instructor.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 3371 - Media Publications Design

    3 hrs
    Course traces the development of print design with an emphasis on newspaper and magazine layout. Students will use industry-standard software to practice and create print products.
    Fee: $30.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 3372 - Online Journalism

    3 hrs
    Students will learn the basic principles and practices for producing news content for the web. Additionally, students will create content for an active, online site.
  • COMM 4170 - Special Topics in Communication Arts

    1 hr
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • COMM 4270 - Special Topics in Communication Arts

    2 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • COMM 4302 - Event Planning and Management

    3 hrs
    Techniques for strategic planning, development, management, and evaluation of public relations events; principles and theories of written, spoken, and visual tactics as applied to behavioral and attitudinal public relations objectives.
    Prerequisites: COMM 3360  or consent of instructor.
  • COMM 4310 - History of Television

    3 hrs
    Examination of the development of television, including television pioneers, emergence of various genres and types of programming, and projections for the future of the medium.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 4318 - Writing for Television

    3 hrs
    Techniques for the development and writing of a prospectus and telescripts for television. Topics may include Sitcoms, Dramas, and New Magazines/Talk Shows. Students are required to complete a project prospectus and a final draft of an applicable telescripts. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.
  • COMM 4320 - Screenwriting

    3 hrs
    Techniques for developing ideas and material for a full-length screenplay, 90-120 minutes. Students are required to complete a major scene treatment and a final draft of a full-length screenplay.
    Prerequisites: COMM 3322  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 4330 - Public Affairs Reporting

    3 hrs
    Techniques for researching public records and reporting on the government and other institutions from a beat-reporting approach. Will introduce students to the concept of CAR (computer-assisted reporting), touching on using databases and the Internet for research.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of instructor.
  • COMM 4332 - Public Relations Writing

    3 hrs
    Basic public relations writing and writing for other media such as newsletters and speeches. Students will learn the fundamentals of campaign and event management and how new technologies are impacting public relations.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring.
  • COMM 4335 - Electronic Newswriting

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of television news writing from story selection to development. Techniques for engaging and informing an audience, interviewing sources, and formatting scripts.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2320 , COMM 2330  or consent of instructor.
  • COMM 4341 - Desktop Publishing

    3 hrs
    Custom design and layout of brochures and publications. Students are required to design and produce newsletter or publication of their choice. Does not fulfill nonliterary art requirement.
  • COMM 4351 - Digital Film Production II

    3 hrs
    Advanced digital film production workshop. Emphasis on documentary and narrative digital film production. Students are required to produce, direct, and edit the final cut of one narrative or one documentary production 15-20 minutes in length.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2330  or consent of instructor.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 4353 - Television Newscast Production

    3 hrs
    Advanced workshop in the writing and producing of TV news programs. Includes story selection and development, field production, anchoring, reporting, operation of studio and control room equipment, writing, copy editing, directing.
    Prerequisite:COMM 2320 .
    Fee: $30.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.
  • COMM 4355 - Advanced Online Journalism

    3 hrs
    Production of news content for the Web using multimedia tools to do print, visual and audio storytelling.
    Prerequisite: COMM 3372  or consent of instructor
  • COMM 4360 - Communication Theory

    3 hrs
    Examination of theories related to the communication process and to mass communication.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.
  • COMM 4370 - Special Topics in Communication Arts

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • COMM 4371 - Mass Media and Society

    3 hrs
    Theoretical examination of the impact, effects and repercussions of mass media on society. Topics may include Media Violence and Effects, Women and the Media, Minorities and Media, Censorship and Media. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • COMM 4374 - Student Media Practicum

    3 hrs
    Practical application of skills learned in the core Mass Communication courses in on-campus, media-related environments. Students are required to complete 150 hours at the same on-campus, media-related site.
    Prerequisite: COMM 2301 , COMM 2320 , COMM 2330  or consent of instructor
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • COMM 4378 - Communication Research Methods

    3 hrs
    Research methods related to the communication process and to mass communication.
    Prerequisite(s): COMM 4360 .
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • COMM 4390 - Communication Internship

    3 hrs
    Supervised professional field experience in a media environment. Requires the completion of 150 hours at the same media internship site. May be repeated for credit four times.
    Prerequisite: 12 advanced hours in COMM courses.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • COMM 4391 - Film and Television Internship

    3 hrs
    Supervised professional field experience in film and/or television; must include production of materials for senior portfolio.
    Prerequisites: 12 advanced hours in COMM: Digital Film and Television or permission of instructor.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • COMM 4690 - Communication Internship

    6 hrs
    Supervised professional field experience in a media environment. Requires the completion of 300 hours at the same media internship site. May be repeated for credit two times.
    Prerequisite: 12 advanced hours in COMM courses.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Communication Disorders

  • CDIS 2300 - Introduction to Communication Disorders

    3 hrs
    Overview of the field of communication disorders and the role of the speech language pathologist.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 2341 - American Sign Language I

    3 hrs
    Linguistic description and practical use of sign language and finger spelling; use of sign language as a non-oral communication system with the communicatively impaired.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 2342 - American Sign Language II

    3 hrs
    Advanced course in American Sign Language (ASL) that develops receptive and expressive skills and increases fluency and knowledge of sophisticated grammatical features.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 2341 .
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 3200 - Clinical Observation Practicum

    2 hrs
    This course is designed to provide supervised observation and report-writing on the evaluation and therapeutic management of a variety of communication disorders. Grades basis only.
    Prerequisite: For students with a declared CDIS major only.
    Fee: $90.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • CDIS 3311 - Normal Language Development

    3 hrs
    Symbolic system used by humans to communicate; role of learning in perception, comprehension and expression of linguistic codes; sequential development of normal language skills.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3412 .
    Fee: $45.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 3320 - Language Science for Communication Disorders

    3 hrs
    A technical study of the form content and use of the English language. Other languages included for the purpose of examining linguistic contrasts. Designed to prepare CDIS students for advanced studies in the major. Implication for clinical applications and research will be introduced.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 3343 - Articulation and Phonological Disorders

    3 hrs
    Current theory and research on phonological and articulation development and disorders. Comparison of various procedures of data sampling and analysis, with a focus on intervention techniques.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3412  with a grade of C or better.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 3362 - Introduction to Audiology

    3 hrs
    Nature of hearing and sound; anatomy and physiology of the auditory system; procedures and practice in diagnosis of hearing disorders; introduction to rehabilitative aspects of audiology.
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 3412 - Introduction to Phonetics and Phonemics

    4 hrs
    Introduction to phonetic/phonemic theory; application of phonetics (transcription) to normal, deviant and multilingual speech. Includes lab for development of advanced transcription skills.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 4315 - Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Speech and Language

    3 hrs
    Study of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms related to speech and language. Structure and function of the human nervous systems and neurodiagnostic procedure will be examined.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 4411  or equivalent BIOL 1422 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 4340 - Aural Rehabilitation

    3 hrs
    Overview of aural rehabilitation: fundamental aspects and basic information on amplification, comprehensive approaches to aural rehabilitation for children and adults.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3362  with grade of C or better.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 4341 - Diagnostic Procedures in Communication Disorders

    3 hrs
    Measurement and evaluation in the diagnosis of speech and language delays and deviancies; case histories and report writing observation hours required. This course can only be taken during the senior year. Student cannot receive credit for both CDIS 4341 and SPED 4341 .
    Prerequisites: CDIS 3343 , CDIS 4351  with a grade of C or better.
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • CDIS 4351 - Language Disorders in Children

    3 hrs
    A study of symptomatology and current treatments of language delay and disordered language in children.
    Prerequisites: CDIS 3311  with a grade of C or better.
    Fee: $45.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CDIS 4411 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech

    4 hrs
    Study of neuroanatomical, structural and physiological aspects of speech production with emphasis on respiration, phonation and articulation. Includes scheduled, instructor-supervised lab for studying programmed texts and models of structures.
    Prerequisites: Take BIOL 1421 , BIOL 1422  or CDIS 4315 .
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 5151 - Selected Topics in Communication Disorders

    1 hr
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Grade basis only.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructors independently arranged.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5161 - Clinical Conference in Communication Disorders

    1 hr
    Professionalism, legal and ethical issues; ASHA standards; clinical procedures at the Harry Jersig Center.
    Prerequisite: Admission to practicum.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5162 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    1 hr
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5251 - Selected Topics in Communication Disorders

    2 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Grade basis only.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructors independently arranged.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5262 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    2 hrs
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5351 - Selected Topics in Communication Disorders

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Grade basis only.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructors independently arranged.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5360 - Speech and Hearing Science

    3 hrs
    Physical properties of sound, sound measurement, basic auditory function, acoustical and physiological phonetics and the perception of speech.
    Prerequisite: CDIS 3343 , CDIS 3362 , CDIS 4315  and CDIS 4411 .
    Offered: Spring.
  • CDIS 5362 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    3 hrs
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5451 - Selected Topics in Communication Disorders

    4 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary. Grade basis only.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructors independently arranged.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5462 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    4 hrs
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5562 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    5 hrs
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CDIS 5662 - Clinical Practicum: Speech-Language and Audiology

    6 hrs
    Under direct supervision of faculty with ASHA CCC/SP or CCC/A, clinical practicum in remediation or management of communication disorders of language, speech and/or hearing. Students must enroll in this course whenever engaged in practicum under direct supervision of CDIS faculty and must obtain 15 clinical hours per credit hour. Offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Overall and CDIS GPA of 3.0 or better and students will be assigned practicum only after they have had or are enrolled in course work that qualifies them for such experience.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Computer Information Systems and Security

  • CISS 1310 - Current Concepts of Information and Computer Technology

    3 hrs
    Survey course in Information Technology for students who have basic computer skills. Topics include: theory and application of computer fundamentals, computer hardware, systems software, application software, networks and communications, information systems development, program development, multimedia, social issues and current software application skills.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • CISS 1315 - Computer Programming Logic and Design

    3 hrs
    Introductory course in program design using structured programming techniques and pseudocode to develop solution algorithms. The student will learn how to define the problem, how to design a solution algorithm and how to prove the algorithm’s correctness. Introduction to structured programming techniques, top-down development and modular design, basis control structures, desk checking techniques, hierarchy charts, and object-oriented design methodology.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 1341 - Current Concepts of Computer Hardware

    3 hrs
    Introduction to the principles and applications of networking and computer systems hardware. Includes the functions and architecture of computer hardware technologies. Incorporates data and instruction representation, data communications, networks and operating system functions.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 1342 - Current Concepts of Operating Systems

    3 hrs
    Introduction to operating systems. Emphasis is on the fundamentals of understanding: installation, setup and management of an operating system. Topics include operating system structure, processes, threads, synchronizations, inter-process communications, virtual memory, I/O device management, and file systems.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 2193 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 2293 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    2 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 2310 - Computer Programming I

    3 hrs
    Introductory course in programming. Involves solving problems by designing, implementing, and testing algorithms to solve business and other problems. Implementation will be done in a high-level language such as Visual Basic. Emphasis throughout the course is on problem solving and learning to develop computer programs that are readable, well documented, efficient and correct. First course in a two-course sequence for students interested in computer programming.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 2311 - Computer Programming II

    3 hrs
    Second course in a two-course sequence for students interested in computer programming. Course work involves solving business and other problems of a more complex nature by designing, implementing, and testing algorithms. Implementation will be done using more advanced features of a high-level language. Emphasis is on problem solving and learning to develop computer programs that are readable, well-documented, efficient and correct.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 2310 , Prior programming experience with the language used in this course.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 2320 - Object Oriented Software Engineering for Business I

    3 hrs
    First course in a two course sequence designed to study conventional and object-oriented software engineering principles and methods. Topics include user requirements, formal specifications, design techniques, implementation, testing strategies, software metrics, maintenance, quality assurance issues and human factors. Implementation of programming assignments will be done in an Object-Oriented language.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 2310 , and CISS 2311 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 2350 - Networking Technology

    3 hrs
    In-depth coverage of networking technologies. Architectures, topologies and protocols will be analyzed, along with communications standards. Includes hands-on lab components covering the installation, configurations and management of selected technologies.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310  and CISS 1341 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 2393 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    3 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3309 - Intermediate Concepts of Information and Computer Technology

    3 hrs
    Continuation of CISS 1310 . Students use a desktop computer with current popular end-user application software to extend the student’s knowledge and capabilities of sophisticated applications techniques and uses within an organizational environment. Reinforces knowledge of hardware and software components, the use of multiple operating systems, information structures and formal problem solving techniques. Includes supervised, structured laboratory exercises and projects.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310  or discipline approval.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3311 - Advanced Spreadsheet and Model Development

    3 hrs
    Use a desktop computer with current spreadsheet software to solve individual and organization wide problems. Emphasis will be placed on using advanced spreadsheet capabilities such as accounting, financial and statistical functions. Students will be introduced to macro development for constructing models to be used for simulations and “what if” predictions. Includes supervised structured laboratory exercises.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310  or discipline approval.
    Fee: $25.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3312 - Development of Multimedia Applications

    3 hrs
    Use of a desktop computer with current multimedia software and hardware to create interactive applications involving text, sound, animation, and video. Includes supervised structured laboratory exercises.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310  or discipline approval.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3320 - Object Oriented Software Engineering for Business II

    3 hrs
    The second course in a two-course sequence designed to study conventional and object-oriented software engineering principles and methods. Topics include user requirements, formal specifications, design techniques. Implementation, testing strategies, software metrics, maintenance, quality assurance issues, and human factors. Implementation of programming assignments will be done in an Object-Oriented language.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 2310 , CISS 2311 , CISS 2320 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3330 - Database Analysis and Design

    3 hrs
    First in a two-course sequence with CISS 3331 . Analysis, design and management of databases to meet organizational information needs. Uses current information systems development methodologies such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D) and tools such as Computer-Assisted Systems Engineering (CASE) software and current database/object management systems to analyze and design database systems.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 3331 - Information Systems Analysis and Design

    3 hrs
    Second in a two-course sequence with CISS 3330 . Includes methods and tools for analysis, design, and implementation of organizational information systems. Employs current methodologies such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, and tools such as CASE software, database/object management systems, and event driven programming languages. Emphasizes overall analysis and design of technology solutions, including software applications, database integration, system integrity and security, and the operational management and maintenance of information systems. Includes a case study in a group project environment.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 3330 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 3335 - Information Systems Auditing

    3 hrs
    Overview of methods and tools for auditing information systems. Topics include the IS audit Process, IT Governance, Systems and Infrastructure Life Cycle, IT Service and Delivery Support, Protection of Information Assets, and Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. Course is designed to prepare students for the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISS) examination.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 2350 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3340 - Programming for the Internet and Intranets

    3 hrs
    Introduction to the process of analysis, design and implementation of business applications for the Internet/Intranets. Coverage will emphasize the creation and management of interactive web pages in business environment using n-tier client-server architecture with client-and server-side scripting.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 2310 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3341 - Applied Cryptography

    3 hrs
    Overview of methods and tools for securing digital information. Topics include cryptographic protocols, cryptographic techniques, and cryptographic algorithms. Course includes hand-on-exercises requiring a significant amount of programming.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3361 , CISS 4335 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3342 - Computer Forensics and Investigations

    3 hrs
    Overview of methods and tools utilized for collecting and preserving electronic digital evidence for the computer forensic process. Topics include the forensic examination, analysis, and report writing; and preparing for courtroom testimony about the forensic results. Course includes significant hands-on exercises, case studies, and culminates with a mock trial exercise in which each student will present testimony as an expert witness.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3360  or permission of instructor.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 3345 - Introduction to Malware Analysis

    3 hrs
    Introduction to issues with computer programs deployed with malicious intent, known as malicious software (malware). History, basic concepts, and categories of various types of malware, as well as malware analysis (reverse engineering) to capture behavioral aspects of malware samples as they are executed in a
    controlled environment. Basic and intermediate-level skills in reverse engineering via multiple hands-on lab assignments.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 3360  
    Offered: Spring.
  • CISS 3350 - Information Systems and Information Technology

    3 hrs
    Identifies and applies principles for analyzing managerial and organizational information needs. Introduces systems theory, quality decision-making and the organizational role of information. Stresses information technology, including computing, telecommunications and electronic commerce systems. Concepts of information system life cycles and re-engineering are introduced.
    Prerequisite: CISS 1310  
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 3355 - Networking Design and Implementation

    3 hrs
    Advanced course in server-side administration and management. Includes the installation of current network operating systems such as Windows and Linux servers. Includes significant hands-on labs allowing students to develop proficiency in network system administration.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350  
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 3360 - Computer and Network Security

    3 hrs
    Survey of security problems in computing, basic encryption and decryption techniques, secure encryption systems, cryptographic protocols and practices, security in networks and distributed systems, and legal and ethical issues in computer security.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 3361 - Information Assurance and Security

    3 hrs
    Survey of information assurance and security. Goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability. Comprehensive coverage of terminology specific to the study of information assurance. Identification of vulnerabilities and appropriate countermeasure. Legal and ethical issues in information security.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3342 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3362 - Information Assurance Policies and Procedures

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of information assurance policy and procedure development, including writing mechanics and the message, policy development, standards, writing procedures, security awareness program, managing the process or a project, and information technology code of practice for information security management.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3360 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 3363 - Intrusion Detection and Response

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of incident response and incident handling, including identifying sources of attacks and security breaches; analyzing security logs; recovering the system; performing postmortem analysis; and implementing and modeling security measures.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3361 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3365 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

    3 hrs
    Overview of methods and tools utilized planning for, responding to, and recovering from security attacks. Topics include contingency planning, incident response, disaster recovery, business continuity, and crisis management. Course includes significant hands-on-exercises, case studies, and culminates with students developing and presenting a business continuity plan which includes impact analysis recovery strategies, and recovery plan implementation.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3361 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3371 - Introduction to Hosting

    3 hrs
    Focuses on the history of hosting services, basic technology use in hosting, characteristics of hosting companies, and how hosting services are tied to the applicable hosting technologies.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing or permission of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 3372 - HTTP Technologies

    3 hrs
    Provides an in-depth coverage of all hypertext transfer protocol technologies across all platforms (Microsoft, UNIX, and Linux). Coverage will include but not be limited to IIS and Apache web hosting services.
    Prerequisite: CISS 3371 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4193 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    1 hr
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4293 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    2 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4321 - Advanced Programming Techniques

    3 hrs
    Covers advanced programming techniques. Students design and develop complex problems using either a procedural or object-oriented language. Includes sophisticated lab assignments and exercises. Prepares students for industry programming certification exams. Course may be repeated for credit when programming language varies.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315  and either CISS 2310  and CISS 2311  or CISS 2320  and CISS 3320 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4330 - Distributed Database and Processing Systems

    3 hrs
    Study of analysis, design and management of distributed processing systems. Topics include distribution of data, hardware, software, and control. Special emphasis placed on n-tier client-server technologies. Students develop a comprehensive client-server project.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 3330 , CISS 3331 , CISS 3331  may be taken concurrently.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4331 - Enterprise Security Management

    3 hrs
    Includes comprehensive discussion of specific technological, policy, and educational solutions for NSTISS. Understand the roles of the Information System Security Officer (ISSO). Analyze and evaluate system security policies, standards, guidelines, procedures, and training in support of the Chief Information Officer. The analysis will require a comprehensive description of the management/technology resources required to successfully complete an accreditation process.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3360 , CISS 3361 , CISS 3362 , CISS 4335 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4332 - Penetration Testing and Incident Response

    3 hrs
    Overview of defensive and offensive techniques used by cybersecurity professionals and hackers  to assess a computer network or system’s security controls. Topics include identifying and reducing the risks of cybercrime, ethical hacking standards and methodology, penetration testing and vulnerability assessments, and security incident response and recovery planning. Includes significant hands-on exercises to reinforce concepts discussed and enhance students’ skillsets.
    Prerequisites:  CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3360  or permission of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4335 - Computer and Network Security Management

    3 hrs
    Introduction to computer and network security management. Covers the impact of audit and security requirements on the design and implementation of information systems and networks. Topics include audit, legal and ethical requirements, security issues, systems recovery and disaster planning.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2350 , CISS 3361 , CISS 3362 .
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4360 - Systems Project

    3 hrs
    Senior capstone course for CISS majors. Solve a client’s information systems problem using current information systems development methodologies and tools. Apply project management techniques in a group project environment. Develop systems documentation; implement the system and present completed project report. May not be taken pass/fail.
    Prerequisites:CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1342 , CISS 2310 , CISS 3330  and CISS 3331 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • CISS 4391 - Computer Information Systems and Security Internship

    3 hrs
    Faculty-supervised off-campus training of qualified students in cooperating firms and governmental units; research and written reports required.
    Prerequisites: CISS 1310 , CISS 1315 , CISS 1341 , CISS 1341 , CISS 2320 , CISS 3330 , CISS 3331 , and a minimum grade point average of 3.00 in all computer information systems courses and completion of application for internship at least two months prior to registration.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • CISS 4393 - Special Studies in Computer Information Systems and Security

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: As determined for specific content.
    Offered: As Needed.

Comparative Mexican American Studies

  • CMAS 1301 - Introduction to Mexican American Studies

    3 hrs
    A multidisciplinary introduction to the field Mexican American Studies. Surveys historical, cultural, and contemporary political issues with special emphasis on the US-Mexico Borderlands.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • CMAS 2190 - Selected Issues in Mexican American Studies

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

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