Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 
    Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]





  • MATH 2690 - Selected Issues in Mathematics

    6 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • MATH 3310 - Foundations for Advanced Mathematics

    3 hrs
    Fundamental mathematical concepts are studied to provide students the opportunity to move from concrete to abstract mathematics. Emphasis is on understanding the importance of definitions and axiomatic structure and on developing the students’ ability to create proofs.
    Prerequisite: Nine hours of college-level mathematics.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MATH 3311 - Differential Equations

    3 hrs
    Linear differential equations, first order and higher orders, systems of linear differential equations and applications.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2413 .
  • MATH 3322 - Linear Algebra

    3 hrs
    Euclidean vectors, matrix solutions of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonal spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2412 , MATH 3310 .
  • MATH 3341 - Geometry

    3 hrs
    A study of basic concepts and historical development in geometric theory using Euclidean geometry as a central focus; among the approaches used are synthetic, transformational and coordinate, with emphasis on logical reasoning, justification and proof in relation to axiomatic structures.
    Prerequisite: MATH 3310  or consent of instructor.
  • MATH 3363 - Problem Solving

    3 hrs
    Elementary problem solving using a variety of techniques, such as recognizing patterns, conjecturing, specializing and generalizing. Strong emphasis on writing.
    Prerequisite: Nine semester hours of college mathematics credit.
  • MATH 3414 - Calculus III

    4 hrs
    Analytical geometry of three-dimensional space, partial derivatives, multiple integrals and line integrals.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2413  or equivalent.
  • MATH 4311 - Concepts of Calculus

    3 hrs
    A study of the major concepts of differential and integral calculus with an emphasis on applications. This course is for non-science majors. Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have credit in MATH 2412 .
    Prerequisite: MATH 1304  or equivalent.
  • MATH 4321 - Modern Algebra

    3 hrs
    An introduction to groups, rings and fields.
    Prerequisite: MATH 3310 .
  • MATH 4350 - Biomathematics

    3 hrs
    This course provides an introduction to the use of mathematical techniques applied to solve problems in biology. Models discussed fall into three categories: discrete, continuous, and spatially distributed. Biological topics discussed range from the subcellular molecular systems and cellular behavior to physiology problems, population biology and developmental biology.
    Prerequisites: MATH 2413 , MATH 3322 .
    Offered: Spring.
  • MATH 4351 - Mathematical Modeling

    3 hrs
    This course provides an introduction to the use of continuous and discrete differential equations in the biological sciences. Biological topics may include single species and interacting population dynamics, modeling infectious and dynamic diseases, regulation of cell function, molecular interactions and receptor-ligand binding, biological oscillators, and an introduction to biological pattern formation.
    Prerequisites: MATH 2413 , MATH 3322 , MATH 3311 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • MATH 4352 - Numerical Analysis

    3 hrs
    Analysis of numerical methods for the solution of linear and nonlinear equations, approximation of functions, numerical differentiation and integration, and the numerical solution of initial boundary problems for ordinary differential equations.
    Prerequisites: MATH 3414 , MATH 3322 , MATH 3311 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • MATH 4361 - History and Philosophy of Mathematics

    3 hrs
    Historical development of mathematics and the study of various philosophies of mathematics.
    Prerequisite: MATH 2412  and eight additional semester hours in college-level mathematics or consent of instructor.
  • MATH 4362 - Topics in Discrete Mathematics

    3 hrs
    Set theory relations and mappings, graph theory, development of algorithms and combinatorics.
    Prerequisite: MATH 3310 .
  • MATH 5151 - Senior Seminar in Mathematics

    1 hr
    A one-credit hour seminar that provides a capstone experience required for all mathematics majors except those seeking secondary certification. Each student completes a comprehensive project that involves researching an advanced mathematical topic and presenting the results in a formal lecture.
    Prerequisite: Senior status.
  • MATH 5160 - Selected Topics

    1 hr
    In-depth study or research in a specialized topic chosen by instructor or by student with consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisite: 12 advanced hours in mathematics and consent of instructor.
  • MATH 5260 - Selected Topics

    2 hrs
    In-depth study or research in a specialized topic chosen by instructor or by student with consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisite: 12 advanced hours in mathematics and consent of instructor.
  • MATH 5303 - Advanced Probability and Statistics

    3 hrs
    Theory of probability, probability functions and density functions, random variables, functions of random variables and their sampling distributions.
    Prerequisites: MATH 2303  and MATH 2413  or equivalent.
  • MATH 5311 - Topics in Real Analysis

    3 hrs
    Properties of continuous functions, metric spaces, integration theory.
    Prerequisites: MATH 3322 , MATH 3414 .
  • MATH 5342 - Introduction to Topology

    3 hrs
    Set theory, topological spaces, metric spaces, connectedness, compactness.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • MATH 5360 - Selected Topics

    3 hrs
    In-depth study or research in a specialized topic chosen by instructor or by student with consent of the instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Prerequisite: 12 advanced hours in mathematics and consent of instructor.

Military Science

  • MILS 1101 - Fundamentals of Leadership and Management

    1 hr
    Organization of the Army and ROTC; career opportunities for ROTC graduates and the military as a profession. Customs and traditions of the service. Development of leadership potential, first aid, and introduction to map reading.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MILS 1102 - Fundamentals of Leadership and Management

    1 hr
    Leadership studies of problems facing junior leaders in today’s Army in noncombat situations. Effects of technological and sociological change on the military. Continuation of customs and traditions of the service. Development of leadership potential. Basic military skills training.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MILS 2201 - Applied Leadership and Management

    2 hrs
    Learn/apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral presentations, writing concisely, planning events, coordination of group efforts, advanced first aid, land navigation, and basic military tactics.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MILS 2202 - Applied Leadership and Management

    2 hrs
    Military use of maps and terrain analysis with emphasis on practical experiences. Introduction to the leadership techniques required to conduct patrolling, offensive and defensive tactical missions.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MILS 3301 - Advanced Leadership and Management

    3 hrs
    Performance oriented instruction in preparation for Advanced Camp. Analysis of psychological, physiological, and sociological factors which affect human behavior. Analysis of leadership and management processes. Techniques in planning, presenting and evaluating performance-oriented instruction.
    Prerequisites: MILS 1101 , MILS 1102 , MILS 2201 , MILS 2202 , or permission of the professor of Military Science.
  • MILS 3302 - Advanced Leadership and Management

    3 hrs
    Performance oriented instruction in preparation for Leadership Development and Assessment Course; Development of the student’s ability to express him/her self clearly and accurately, with emphasis on the analysis of military problems, and the preparation and delivery of logical solutions; Analysis of the leader’s role in planning, directing and coordinating the efforts of individuals and small units in the execution of offensive and defensive tactical missions.
    Prerequisites: MILS 3301  or permission of the professor of Military Science.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MILS 4301 - Seminar in Leadership and Management

    3 hrs
    Analysis of selected leadership and management problems. Responsibilities of the Commander and staff in the areas of administration, personnel, operations, and logistics. Introduction to military justice and the army training system.
    Prerequisites: MILS 3302  or permission of the Professor of Military Science.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MILS 4302 - Seminar in Leadership and Management

    3 hrs
    Analysis of selected leadership and management problems with a concentration on management problems with a concentration on management problem analysis and decision making, planning and organizing, delegation and control, and interpersonal skills required for effective management. Seminars in the role of the officer in the conduct of personal affairs and ethics.
    Prerequisites: MILS 4301  or permission of the Professor of Military Science.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MILS 5301, 5302 - Advanced Seminar in Military Issues I, II

    6 hrs

    Analysis of various issues of the contemporary operating environment. Analysis and discussion of various topics pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of a 2nd Lieutenant. Additional course options are special projects based on guidance and approval of the Professor of Military Science.
    MILS 4301  or MILS 4302  or permission of the Professor of Military Science.



  • MUSI 1111 - Private Instruction in Music - Music Minors

    1 hr
    Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. 30 minute lesson once a week. Open to music minors and majors studying a second instructor or by instructor permission.  Accompaniment scholarships for lessons are available by audition. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 . Offered on a pass/fail basis.
    Prerequisite(s): Must declare Music Major or Minor.
    Fee: $70.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 1112 - Private Instruction in Music - Music Minors

    1 hr
     Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. 30 minute lesson once a week. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instructor or by instructor permission.  Accompaniment scholarships for lessons are available by audition. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 .
    Prerequisite(s): Must declare Music Major or Minor.
    Fee: $70.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 1117 - Performance Seminar l

    1 hr
    Students begin developing performance, performance evaluation, and writing skills within an audience of their peers in a seminar setting, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 1111 , MUSI 1211 .
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 1118 - Performance Seminar ll

    1 hr
    Students develop their performance, performance evaluation, and writing skills within an audience of their peers in a seminar settings, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 1112 , MUSI 1212 .
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Spring
  • MUSI 1142 - Applied Music Performance Lab

    1 hr
    Lab for applied music instruction. Students  perform repertoire from their applied music course. Non majors only. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1111 , MUSI 1112 , MUSI 1281 , or MUSI 1282 . Offered on a pass/fail basis.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1151 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152 )
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 1152 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151 ; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152)
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1155 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; two hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 1156 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; 2 hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 1160 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1161 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening, three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1170 - OLLU Band

    1 hr
    Performance of band and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. OLLU Band rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. Woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, guitar, and bass players welcome. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join band. Instruments are available for student rental. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 1171 - OLLU Band

    1 hr
    Performance of band and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. OLLU Band rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. Woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, guitar, and bass players welcome. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join band. Instruments are available for student rental. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 1211 - Private Instruction in Music I

    2 hrs
     Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass, percussion and mariachi instruments. Open to majors; others by instructor permission. Accompaniment scholarships are available for majors by audition; non-majors must pay for accompaniment where required. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1117 
    Prerequisite(s): Must declare Music Major.
    Fee: $120.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 1212 - Private Instruction in Music II

    2 hrs
    Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass, percussion and mariachi instruments. Open to majors; others by instructor permission. Accompaniment scholarships are available for majors by audition; non-majors must pay for accompaniment where required. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1118 
    Prerequisite(s): Must declare Music Major.
    Fee: $120.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 1216 - Sight-singing and Ear Training I

    2 hrs
    Singing tonal music in treble and bass clefs. Aural study, including dictation, of rhythm, melody, and diatonic harmony. Required for majors; required for minors selecting vocal option.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1218 , MUSI 1220 , MUSI 1235  or by departmental exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1217 - Sight-singing and Ear Training II

    2 hrs
    Singing more advanced tonal music including modal, ethnic, and 20th century materials. Aural studies, including dictation, of more complex rhythm, melody chromatic harmony, and extended tertian structures; alto and tenor clefs. Required for music majors; minors by audition.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1216 .
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1218 - Introduction to Piano

    2 hrs
    Survey course introducing students to basic piano performance and reading skills. Required for major, minors and liberal studies with a core in music.
    Prerequisites: May be placed out by departmental exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1220 - Music Fundamentals

    2 hrs
    Survey course introducing students to basic notation and sight-reading skills. Required for majors, minors and liberal studies with a core in music.
    Prerequisites: May be placed out by departmental exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1221 - Music Theory I

    2 hrs
    A study of intervals, melody, chord progressions, two-three-and four-part writing; tonal harmonic analysis, triad inversions, small forms, and the dominant seventh chord. Required for majors, minors and liberal studies with a core in music.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1218 , MUSI 1220 , MUSI 1235  or by departmental placement exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1222 - Music Theory II

    2 hrs
    Continuation of MUSI 1221 . Topics will include musical analysis, triads in inversions, small forms, and the dominant seventh chord. Required of music majors, minors, music certification tracks, and liberal studies with a core in music.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1221 . Students must be concurrently enrolled in MUSI 1217  and MUSI 1115.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1227 - Keyboard Harmony I

    2 hrs
    Keyboard study correlating with performance, analysis and writing of tonal melody, diatonic harmony up to and including chords and small compositional forms. Introduction to organ. Required for majors; required for minors selecting the keyboard option.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1220 , MUSI 1218 , MUSI 1235  or by departmental exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1230 - Keyboard Harmony II

    2 hrs
    Continues the studies begun in Keyboard Harmony I. Keyboard study correlating with the performance, analysis and writing of tonal melody, diatonic harmony up to and including chords and small compositional forms. Beginning organ and harpsichord studies. Required for majors; minors by audition.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1227 .
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 1235 - Introduction to Music Technology

    2 hrs
    Survey course introducing students to basic software and programs used in music notation, theory studies, and music editing. Required for majors, minors and liberal studies with a core in music.
    Prerequisite: MUSI 1220  may be placed out by departmental exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall Spring.
  • MUSI 1263 - Improvisation I

    2 hrs
    Materials and practices for improvisation or extemporaneous playing or singing.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 1281 - Music Lessons - Applied Music Class

    2 hrs
    Group lessons in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass or percussion instruments. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instrument. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 
    Fee: $90.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 1282 - Music Lessons - Applied Music Class

    2 hrs
    Group lessons in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass or percussion instruments. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instrument. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 
    Fee: $90.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2111 - Private Instruction

    1 hr
    Private instruction is offered in guitar, piano, violin, viola, cello, bass, voice, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, oboe, bassoon, percussion and mariachi instruments/voice as MUSI 1111 , MUSI 1211 , MUSI 1112 , MUSI 1212 , MUSI 2111, MUSI 2212 MUSI 4411 , MUSI 4212 , MUSI 4112 , MUSI 4212 . May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Beginners in voice, piano and guitar must take MUSI 1281  before enrolling in private instruction.
    Fee: $45 for one credit hour of private instruction, $90 for two credits hours of private instruction.
  • MUSI 2112 - Private Instruction in Music - Music Minors

    1 hr
    Private instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. 30 minute lesson once a week. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instrument or by instructor permission.  Accompaniment scholarships for lessons are available by audition. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 
     Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1111 , MUSI 1112 , MUSI 2111 , MUSI 1281 , MUSI 1282 , MUSI 1211 , or MUSI 1212  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $70.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2117 - Performance Seminar lll

    1 hr
    Students polish performance, performance evaluation, and writing skills with an audience of their peers in a seminar settings, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 2111 , MUSI 2211 .
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2118 - Performance Seminar lV

    1 hr
    Students polish performance, performance evaluation, and writing skills with an audience of their peers in a seminar settings, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 2112 , MUSI 2212 .
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Spring
  • MUSI 2125 - Music Internship I

    1 hr
    Students will serve a one-semester internship with an approved professional director or musician at a public school, private school, Christian church or Jewish synagogue in the greater San Antonio area. Required for majors. Depending upon successful audition, some internships may be paid. 
    Prerequisite: Final grade of C- or higher in at least one of the following: MUSI 1216, MUSI 1227, or MUSI 1221 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 2128 - Lake Effect

    1 hr
    Advanced Collegiate a cappella ensemble. Performance of unaccompanied jazz and popular literature. Represents the university on and off campus. three hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisites: Accepted at auditions; RSCM Dark Blue or higher preferred.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 2135 - Mariachi De Los Santos

    1 hr
    Intermediate mariachi ensemble. Performance of standard and modern mariachi literature; three hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 2151 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151 ; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152 ).
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2152 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151 ; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152 )
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1151 , MUSI 1152 , MUSI 2151  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2155 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; 2 hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 2156 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; 2 hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 2160 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening, three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 2161 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening, three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 2170 - OLLU Band

    1 hr
    Performance of band and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. OLLU Band rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. Woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, guitar, and bass players welcome. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join band. Instruments are available for student rental. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit.
     Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1170  or MUSI 1171  or by permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2171 - OLLU Saints Pep Band

    1 hr
    Pep Band ensemble for woodwinds, brass guitar and percussion. Performance of OLLU spirit and standard pep band repertoire, represents the university on and off campus at sporting events; three hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 2190 - Selected Issues in Music

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 2211 - Private Instruction in Music III

    2 hrs
    Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass, percussion and mariachi instruments. Open to majors; others by instructor permission. Accompaniment scholarships are available for majors by audition; non-majors must pay for accompaniment where required. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 2117 
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1211 , MUSI 1212 , MUSI 1281 , MUSI 1282 , MUSI 1111 , or MUSI 1112  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $120.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2212 - Private Instruction in Music IV

    2 hrs
     Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass, percussion and mariachi instruments. Open to majors; others by instructor permission. Accompaniment scholarships are available for majors by audition; non-majors must pay for accompaniment where required. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 2118 
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1211 , MUSI 1212 , MUSI 1281 , MUSI 1282 , MUSI 1111 , MUSI 1112 , or MUSI 2211  or by permissoin of the instructor
    Fee: $120.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2220 - Orchestration Arranging

    2 hrs
    Basic techniques used in writing and arranging music for choral and instrumental ensembles. Score formats, orchestration and arranging projects are emphasized. Detailed study of individual instruments is also featured. Required for music majors; minors by request.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1221 , MUSI 1222 .
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2230 - Fundamentals of Choral Conducting

    2 hrs
    Basic elements of conducting for choral and instrumental ensemble. Topics include score preparation, hand and baton techniques, and effective rehearsal strategies. Required for majors; minors by request.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1216 , MUSI 1217 , MUSI 1221 , MUSI 1222 , MUSI 1227 , MUSI 1230  and first year exam.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2290 - Selected Issues in Music

    2 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 2331 - Listening to Music

    3 hrs
    Music understanding and appreciation of basic music language and elements through study of select music masterpieces. Open to non-music majors. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $10.
  • MUSI 2332 - History of Rock and Roll

    3 hrs
    This course explores the roots and background of Rock and Roll and other types of American popular music throughout the 1950s and the development of rock music styles up until the present. Study of basic musical elements of the blues, jazz, folk music, and other popular styles that eventually culminated in the creation of Rock and Roll.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2340 - History of Music I

    3 hrs
    Western music from the present to the eighteenth century; evolution of forms, styles and media.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1216 , MUSI 1217 , MUSI 1221 , MUSI 1222 , MUSI 1227 , MUSI 1230  and first year placement exam. Required for major; non-majors by instructor permission.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 2345 - History of Music II

    3 hrs
    Western music from the eighteenth century to pre-Christian times; evolution of forms, styles and media.
    Prerequisites: MUSI 1216 , MUSI 1217 , MUSI 1221 , MUSI 1222 , MUSI 1227 , MUSI 1230  and second year placement exam. Required for major; non-majors by instructor permission.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 2390 - Selected Issues in Music

    3 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 2490 - Selected Issues in Music

    4 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 2590 - Selected Issues in Music

    5 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 2690 - Selected Issues in Music

    6 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary, i.e., Music in the Southwest, Music in Liturgy and Worship, Music for Special Education Teachers, etc.
    Fee: Varies depending on course content.
  • MUSI 3111 - Private Instruction in Music - Music Minors

    1 hr
    Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass and percussion instruments. 30 minute lesson once a week. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instructor or by instructor permission. Accompaniment scholarships for lessons are available by audition. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 2111 , MUSI 2112 , MUSI 2211 , MUSI 2212 , MUSI 1281 , or MUSI 1282  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $70.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 3112 - Private Instruction in Music - Music Minors

    1 hr
    Private Instruction is offered in voice, piano, organ, music composition, wind, string, brass and percussion instruments culminating in a minimum 15 minute recital. One 30 minute lesson once a week. Open to non-majors and majors studying a second instructor or by instructor permission.  Accompaniment scholarships for lessons are available by audition. May be repeated for credit. Co-requisite: MUSI 1142 . Offered on a pass/fail basis.
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 3111 , MUSI 3211  or MUSI 3212  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $140.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 3117 - Public Musicology l

    1 hr
    Students are introduced to public musicology and advanced performance, critical thinking and writing skills in a seminar settings, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 3111  and MUSI 3211 . Required for majors.
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 3118 - Public Musicology ll

    1 hr
    Students apply public musicology within OLLU community and developed advanced skills in performance, critical thinking and writing skills in a seminar settings, enriched by workshops, masterclasses, presentations and concerts. Required lab for MUSI 3112  and MUSI 3212 . Required for majors.
    Fee: $50.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 3120 - Music Internship II

    1 hr
    Students will serve a one-semester internship with an approved professional director or musician at a public school, private school, Christian church or Jewish synagogue in the greater San Antonio area. Required for majors. Depending upon successful audition, some internships may be paid.
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 2125  or by permission of the instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 3126 - Music Internship III

    1 hr
    Students will serve a one-semester internship with an approved professional director or musician at a public school, private school, Christian church or Jewish synagogue in the greater San Antonio area. Required for majors. Depending upon successful audition, some internships may be paid. 
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 3120  or by permission of the instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • MUSI 3132 - Les Canards

    1 hr
    Advanced Chamber Choral Ensemble. Performance of unaccompanied choral literature of all styles and periods. Represents the university on and off campus. two hours per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition; RSCM Red or higher preferred.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 3141 - Mariachi OLLUtlan

    1 hr
    Advanced mariachi ensemble. Performance of standard and modern mariachi repertoire. Mariachi OLLUtlan rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester. Flute, violin, trumpet, harp, accordion, guitar, vihuela, and guitarron musicians welcome. It is not required to be a music major or minor to join Mariachi OLLUtlan. Instruments are available for student rental. Open to all majors. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 3151 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester.  It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152)
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 2151 , or MUSI 2152  or permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Fall.
  • MUSI 3152 - University Choir

    1 hr
    Performance of appropriate choral and musical theatre literature of all styles and periods. University Choir rehearses three hours a week and typically participates in three performances per semester.  It is not required to be a music major or minor to join choir. Open to all majors. An audition is not required. May be repeated for credit. (TCCN: MUSI 1141 for MUSI 1151; MUSI 1143 for MUSI 1152)
    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 2151 , MUSI 2152 , or MUSI 3151  or by permission of the instructor.
    Fee: $35.
    Offered: Spring.
  • MUSI 3155 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; two hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 3156 - Ensemble

    1 hr
    Vocal and instrumental ensembles for select advanced students; learning and performing experiences in the music literature of each ensemble; two hours a week. May be repeated for credit.
    Fee: $20.
  • MUSI 3160 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • MUSI 3161 - Choral Union

    1 hr
    Performance of choral literature of all styles and periods, with special emphasis upon large works, excerpts from musical theatre, operetta and operatic work; one evening three-hour rehearsal per week. May be repeated for credit.
    Prerequisite: Acceptance at audition.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

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