Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 
    Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




Forensic Science

  • FORS 3319 - Geographic Information Systems

    3 hrs
    Introduction to the use of geographic information systems for mapping social space. Topics include the social production of space, spatial dimensions of social inequality, the social contest of crime, human ecology, comparisons of urban and rural social space and implications of spatial configurations of social phenomena for program development, implementation and evaluation.
    Offered: Spring.
  • FORS 3350 - Forensic Psychology

    3 hrs
    Survey of topics in the field of forensic psychology including the history, application, research, and psychological principles found in contemporary legal environments.
    Prerequisite: PSYC 1305 .
    Offered: Fall.
  • FORS 4310 - Advanced Applied Forensics

    3 hrs

    Overview of principles, procedures, and concepts of forensic and investigative sciences; instruction in the definitions, scope, and use of tools, techniques and protocols in forensic applications. Including examination of practitioners of forensic science and the justice system; including scientific method and scientific knowledge as applied through expert testimony.
    Prerequisite(s): FORS 1310.

    Offered: As Needed.

  • FORS 5389 - Practicum in Forensic Science

    3 hrs
    Experiential learning opportunity in which the knowledge and skills of forensic science are applied in practice while working under supervision in a public or private sector setting. Offered on a pass-fail basis. May be repeated once for credit.
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Fee: $10.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.


  • GEOG 4353 - Regional Geography

    3 hrs
    Survey of world importance, geographical characteristics, and major problems of identifiable world regions; attention individual countries and regional groups.
    Offered: Spring of even years.
  • GEOG 4391 - Selected Topics in Geography

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and consent of instructor.


  • GEOL 2190 - Selected Issues in Geology

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 2290 - Selected Issues in Geology

    2 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 2390 - Selected Issues in Geology

    3 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 2490 - Selected Issues in Geology

    4 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 2590 - Selected Issues in Geology

    5 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 2690 - Selected Issues in Geology

    6 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated when topics vary.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 3300 - Earth Science for Teachers

    3 hrs
    Elementary principles of geology, meteorology, and astronomy.
  • GEOL 4191 - Selected Topics in Geology

    1 hr
    In-depth study of specialized topic. May be repeated when topic varies.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and consent of instructor.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 4291 - Selected Topics in Geology

    2 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic. May be repeated when topic varies.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and consent of instructor.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 4391 - Selected Topics in Geology

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic. May be repeated when topic varies.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and consent of instructor.
    Fee applied when appropriate.
  • GEOL 4491 - Selected Topics in Geology

    4 hrs
    In-depth study of specialized topic. May be repeated when topic varies.
    Prerequisites: Advanced standing and consent of instructor.
    Fee applied when appropriate.

Health Care Administration

  • HCAD 3300 - Community and Public Health

    3 hrs
    Introduces the student to the complexity of community health practice, including ambulatory care, and public health essentials for program development (as incidence and prevalence of disease, morbidity and mortality rates, and contributors to disease such as environmental disparities).
  • HCAD 3304 - Health Information Systems

    3 hrs
    Discusses the different types of health information systems and their relevance to health services delivery, such as electronic medical record (EMD) systems, health demographics and medication inventory and administration systems.
  • HCAD 3320 - Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care Delivery

    3 hrs
    Administrative and health care professional challenges facing health care delivery are discussed in relation to legal, risk management, and ethical administrative practices.
  • HCAD 3328 - Organization and Management

    3 hrs
    Presents various types of organizational and management systems found in health care practice including ambulatory care, physician practice, profit versus nonprofit, long term care and specialty services such as hospice home health and procedural surgical facilities.
  • HCAD 3340 - Health Care Planning and Marketing

    3 hrs
    Introduces the student to the essentials of health planning for effective, efficient, economical and satisfying program development and health services delivery. Emphasizes marketing as a key component for a successful planning cycle.
  • HCAD 3352 - Managed Care and Health Service Delivery

    3 hrs
    Analyzes the purpose of managed care as a quality and operational method for purposeful health services delivery. The various types of managed care are presented as applied to different health care systems.
  • HCAD 3355 - Health Care Policy

    3 hrs
    Analyze the health policy cycle for effective decision making and purposeful health care program development.
  • HCAD 3366 - Health Care Overview

    3 hrs
    This course is designed to introduce the student to health organization and delivery systems in the United States. Emphasis is placed on private health care systems and governmental managed care organizations such as Medicare and Medicaid. Specialty health care systems such as mental and behavioral health are also addressed. The specific roles of hospitals, community clinics, ambulatory care facilities, home health and hospice, military health care, medical groups, and specialty health care centers are presented as a comparative analysis on organizational structure, quality and accessibility to health care. Current legislative impact on health care in the United States is discussed in detail. The course includes individual and group discussions on the health organization and delivery systems and written assignments on current health care problems and issues.
    Prerequisites: Admission to the BSHCA Program.
  • HCAD 3370 - Human Resources Management in Health Organizations

    3 hrs
    Human resources and its application to health care organizational staff recruitment and retention sis the focus of this course. The management of health care employees is also presented from a human generational, cultural and special characteristics perspective.
  • HCAD 4313 - Epidemiology

    3 hrs
    Study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations, and how epidemiology serves as the foundation and logic of interventions made in the interest of public health and preventive medicine is discussed. Epidemiology as a cornerstone methodology of public health research and its relevance to evidence-based medicine and preventive health is also presented.
  • HCAD 4361 - Health Care Finance

    3 hrs
    Financial management of health care organizations including topics on pricing, reimbursement strategies, managed care contracting, cost control, capital budgeting, cost-benefit analysis and financial ratios.
  • HCAD 4391 - Health Care Practicum

    3 hrs
    Students are assigned to local health care facilities to place into practice the knowledge gained and further obtain practical administrative insight.


  • HIST 1301 - United States to 1865

    3 hrs
    Survey of political, social and economic history from period of discovery to Reconstruction Era. Students will engage in use of digital tools for research, written, oral, and or virtual projects for academic and public history audiences (TCCN).
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • HIST 1302 - United States Since 1865

    3 hrs
    Survey of political, social, and economic history from Reconstruction Era to the present. Students will engage in use of digital tools for research, written, oral, and or virtual projects for academic and public history audiences (TCCN).
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • HIST 1355 - World History: People and Events to 1600

    3 hrs
    Nature and use of history, with emphasis on civilization which developed to 1600; Renaissance world and Reformation given special attention Focus on non-Western civilization. Introduction to digital tools on traditional China and public history sites on traditional India (TCCN: HIST 2311).
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • HIST 1356 - World History: Trends and Issues Since 1600

    3 hrs
    Nature and uses of history with focus on various isms, ideologies and types of government and economic structure which have evolved since 1600. Introduction to digital tools on selected issues and topics like revolution and nationalism in modern world history (TCCN: HIST 2312).
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • HIST 2190 - Selected Issues in History

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • HIST 2290 - Selected Issues in History

    2 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • HIST 2390 - Selected Issues in History

    3 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • HIST 3300 - Digital History

    3 hrs
    Systematic examination of digital tools employed in the preservation, research and writing of history, including the interactivity of online platforms in projects that integrate film clips, three dimensional animation, sound, and interactive maps utilized in the production of history. Evaluation and critical analysis of digital tools incorporated as students engage in applying new media in historical work.
    Prerequisites: HIST 1301 , HIST 1302 , HIST 1355 , HIST 1356  or approval by instructor.
    Fee: $15.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 3324 - History of Texas

    3 hrs
    Survey from the end of Hispanic period to the early 20th century; period of the Republic, annexation and statehood; Civil War and Reconstruction; post-Civil War development. Students will employ digital and public history approaches and methods to specific themes and topics in Texas history.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 3325 - Economic History of the United States (U.S. History)

    3 hrs
    Historical and regional economic development focusing on per capita income, dynamic entrepreneurship, technological leadership, economic growth factors, free-market economy and transitory welfare state; economic focus integrating U.S. history presented in HIST 1301  and HIST 1302 . Incorporates interactive digital resource on U.S. economic history with application to academic and non-academic venues.
    Prerequisites: HIST 1301 , HIST 1302  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring of Even Years.
  • HIST 3354 - Mexican American Cultural History (Mexican/Latin American/Borderlands)

    3 hrs
    This group’s role in and contribution to United States history; contact of cultures; acculturation process; artistic and literary manifestations of the Chicano movement. Students will use digital tools for preservation, research and virtual projects; students will investigate local history for public history projects and will learn basic oral history methodology for academic and public history audiences.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.
  • HIST 3360 - United States History through Women’s Eyes (U.S. History)

    3 hrs
    Examination of the strong current of change regarding the status of modern-day women; integration of historical material covered in HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 . Includes projects on the history of U.S. women using digital sources and employing photo and document database with application to non-academic audiences.
    Prerequisites: HIST 1301 , HIST 1302  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.
  • HIST 3370 - Special Issues in American History (U.S. History)

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of critical issues, problems and trends in political, social, religious or intellectual history of North America. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 4300 - History of Information

    3 hrs
    This course explores the meaning of information and surveys the various ways humans have communicated information from cave drawings to digital media. Students will engage in reading-traditional and digital sources, in creating digital projects as communication modes of historical content, and participate in online and face to face discussions.
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or approval by instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 4301 - Public History

    3 hrs
    Systematic examination of presentation and preservation of history for audiences outside of academic institutions; exploration of theories, practices, and use of history in and for museums, archives, historical societies, and other public venues. Students will engage in traditional and interactive platforms in completing assignments.
    Prerequisites: HIST 1301 , HIST 1302 , HIST 1355 , HIST 1356 , THSA 4300  or approval by instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 4322 - Spanish Borderlands in North America

    3 hrs
    Spain’s expansion from the Caribbean and Mexico into the present United States; colonization and development of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California, Florida and Louisiana. Students will engage in projects using digital sources and will create individual and group projects employing at least two types of digital technology, e.g. GIS for history, photo and document database.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.
  • HIST 5170 - Special Issues: World History

    1 hr
    In-depth study of critical issues, problems, and trends in European, Eastern, or Third World Political, social, or intellectual history. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 5270 - Special Issues: World History

    2 hrs
    In-depth study of critical issues, problems, and trends in European, Eastern, or Third World Political, social, or intellectual history. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 5335 - Historical Movements in 20th Century Europe (European)

    3 hrs
    Analysis of the five main ideologies of Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries; integration of knowledge in HIST 1355  and HIST 1356 . Analysis digital resources on modern European ideologies for academic and non-academic audiences.
    Prerequisites: HIST 1355 , HIST 1356  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.
  • HIST 5337 - Modern Asia

    3 hrs
    Survey of Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese civilizations; includes Pakistan and Indonesia, with the world’s largest Muslim population; focus on Asian changes after contact with West in the 19th century; examines Asia’s growing importance in world trade/politics. Incorporates interactive digital resources on modern China and public history venues on Japan, Korea and India.
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or instructor approval.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.
  • HIST 5360 - Arab World and Islamic Society Non-Western

    3 hrs
    Examination of the unity and diversity of the Arab and Islamic worlds. Historical and cultural background to Arab and Islamic relations with the West, especially the United States.
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of the instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.
  • HIST 5370 - Special Issues: World History

    3 hrs
    In-depth study of critical issues, problems, and trends in European, Eastern, or Third World Political, social, or intellectual history. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 5380 - Historical Research, Writing and Method

    3 hrs
    Research and writing seminar to prepare students for senior essay. Focus on finding, evaluating, interpreting, and organizing historical evidence in preparation for the senior essay and becoming a practicing historian. Students will engage in use of digital tools for research, written, oral, and or virtual projects for academic and public history audience.
    Prerequisite: History or social studies majors and minors with junior or senior standing.
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 5381 - Senior Essay

    3 hrs
    Directed study for writing Senior Essay under supervision of a History Department faculty member. Student will engage in use of digital tools for research, written, oral, and or virtual projects for academic and public history audiences.
    Prerequisite: HIST 5380 .
    Offered: As Needed.
  • HIST 5385 - Internship in History

    3 hrs
    Practical understanding of the field and application of academic knowledge in a professional setting. Opportunity to engage in analysis, decision making, and meaningful communication (written and oral). For 3 hour credit, the student will be expected to complete 135 actual hours at the internship site (approximately 12-15 hours per week).
    Prerequisites: HIST 3300 , HIST 4301  or approval of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.


  • HNRS 1300 - Exploring the University

    3 hrs
    Interdisciplinary approach to the University as a community of scholars: development of academic disciplines as ways of knowing humanity as individuals and within community; history of Congregation of Divine Providence/OLLU with its mission to promote educational excellence and the commitment to service; history of higher education and the creation, organization and dissemination of scholarship.
  • HNRS 2300 - Community as Context

    3 hrs
    Interdisciplinary approach to community as context for scholarship and service: elements that make up any community, factors that shape it, and forces that produce change. Historical, social and economic forces that have shaped the Westside community that surrounds OLLU; relationship of the Westside to the rest of San Antonio; understanding of challenges and visions for positive change in the community.
    Prerequisite: HNRS 1300 .
  • HNRS 3300 - Leadership and Civic Responsibility

    3 hrs
    Interdisciplinary approach to leadership in the community and beyond: examination and evaluation of styles and philosophies of leadership in context; understanding of transformative change; practice in leadership through developing proposals for change in the community of the Westside and in the student’s own academic discipline.
    Prerequisite: HNRS 2300 .
    Offered: Fall.


  • KINE 1101 - Individual Sports and Exercise

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit. A Archery $8 ASB Advanced Swim, Bike, Run BSB Beginner Swim, Bike, Run BSK Beginning Self Defense/Karate $8 F Track and Field (M) (W) $2 G Golf $8 HL High/Low Impact Step-Aerobics $4 ISB Intermediate Swim, Bike, Run ISK Intermediate Self Defense/Karate $8 KB Cardio Kick Boxing $8 P Pilates RB Racquetball and Badminton $4 T Tennis $6 TX Beginning Tai Chi Chuan $8 ITC Intermediate Tai Chi Chuan $8 WT Weight Training $4 Y Yoga $8
  • KINE 1101A - Individual Sports and Exercise Archery

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101BFN - Individual Sports and Exercise Beginning Fencing

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101BKA - Individual Sports and Exercise Beginning Karate

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101BSK - Individual Sports and Exercise Beginning Self Defense/Karate

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101BTC - Individual Sports and Exercise Beginning Tai Chi Chuan

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101F - Individual Sports and Exercise Track and Field

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $2
  • KINE 1101G - Individual Sports and Exercise Golf

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
    Offered: Spring.
  • KINE 1101ISK - Individual Sports and Exercise Intermediate Self Defense/Karate

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101ITC - Individual Sports and Exercise - Intermediate Tai Chi Chuan

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1101KB - Individual Sports and Exercise Cardio Kickboxing

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8
  • KINE 1101P - Individual Sports and Exercise Pilates

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; course may be taken once for credit.
  • KINE 1101RB - Individual Sports and Exercise Racquetball and Badminton

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; course may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1101S - Individual Sports and Exercise Self-defense

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; course may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1101T - Individual Sports and Exercise-Tennis

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $6.
  • KINE 1101WT - Individual Sports and Exercise-Weight Training

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1101Y - Individual Sports and Exercise-Yoga

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $8.
  • KINE 1111 - Team Sports

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit. B Basketball (M) (W) $4 F Flag Football (M) (W) $4 S Softball $4 V Volleyball $4 SV Softball-Volleyball $4
  • KINE 1111B - Team Sports - Basketball

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1111F - Team Sports - Flag Football

    1 hr
    Activity course are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1111S - Team Sports - Softball

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1262. All activities courses are coeducational unless indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1111SV - Team Sports - Softball-Volleyball

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1111V - Team Sports - Volleyball

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1131 - Dance

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit. BL Ballroom/Swing Dance - couples only $4 CW Country Western Dance - couples only $4 HH Hip-Hop Dance $4 I International Dance $4 J Jazz Dance $4 M Mexican Dance $4
  • KINE 1131CW - Dance - Country Western Dance (Couples Only)

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1131HH - Hip Hop Dance

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1131I - Dance - International Dance

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1131J - Dance - Jazz Dance

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1131M - Dance - Mexican Dance

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1141 - Aquatics

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit. B Beginning Swimming $5 I Intermediate Swimming $5 WA Water Aerobics $4
  • KINE 1141B - Aquatics - Beginning Swimming

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $5.
  • KINE 1141I - Aquatics - Intermediate Swimming

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken once for credit.
    Fee: $5.
  • KINE 1141WA - Aquatics - Water Aerobics

    1 hr
    Activity courses are numbered 1101-1261. All courses are coeducational unless otherwise indicated; may be taken for credit once.
    Fee: $4.
  • KINE 1241 - ARC Lifeguard Training

    2 hrs
    American Red Cross Lifeguard Training certification.
    Prerequisite: KINE 1141 - Aquatics  or equivalent.
    Fee: $9.
  • KINE 1261 - Outdoor Education

    2 hrs
    Basic skills involving camp craft, trips, nature and recreational activities.
    Fee: $18.
  • KINE 1310 - Foundations of Kinesiology

    3 hrs
    Overview of the kinesiology sub-disciplines and professional opportunities. Historical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, biomechanical and physiological aspects of kinesiology.
    Offered: Spring.
  • KINE 2190 - Selected Issues in Kinesiology

    1 hr
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Fee: varies with topic.
  • KINE 2290 - Selected Issues in Kinesiology

    2 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Fee: varies with topic.
  • KINE 2310 - Wellness Lifestyle

    3 hrs
    An analysis of a healthy existence based on the seven dimensions of wellness. Wellness encompasses not only the body, but also emotions, thoughts, attitudes and feelings.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • KINE 2315 - Measurement and Evaluation

    3 hrs
    Measurement theory and statistics used in the analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of data regarding human performance in different environments.
  • KINE 2320 - Basic Nutrition

    3 hrs
    This is a basic course of nutrition, designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the basic principles of nutrition. The essential nutrients and their functions will be examined, as well as nutritional behaviors that promote optimal nutrition and disease prevention throughout the life cycle. Energy balance, nutrition for fitness, and food safety will also be included.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • KINE 2372 - First Aid/CPR and Personal Safety

    3 hrs
    The American Red Cross First Aid Responding to Emergencies certification course. How to recognize and respond to emergencies before medical help arrives. Personal safety information, skills, habits and attitudes.
    Fee: $20.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.
  • KINE 2390 - Selected Issues in Kinesiology

    3 hrs
    Introduction to specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
    Fee: varies with topic.

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