Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
    Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]





  • SOCI 3319 - Mapping the Social World

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to the use of geographic information systems for mapping social space. Topics include the social production of space, spatial dimensions of social inequality, human ecology, comparisons of urban and rural social space, and implications of spatial configurations of social phenomena for program development, implementation and evaluation, with application on themes related to immigration and community health.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall.

  • SOCI 3333 - Crime and Punishment

    3 hour(s)
    This course explores central sociological concepts of deviance, social order, and social power and the exertion of these forces on racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants. Tough in depth discussions and written assignments, students will explore these important issues in contemporary America from a variety of different disciplinary perspectives. Students will explore the impact of mass imprisonment on individuals and society, e.g. political engagement, life course, employment, wages, etc.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.

  • SOCI 3390 - Selected Topics

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic or topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SOCI 4300 - Sociological Theory

    3 hour(s)
    Overview of social theory, with particular emphasis on sociological, political science and economic theory. Specifically, the following topics will be discussed: 1) What are the roots of contemporary scientific and social scientific theory? 2) What major themes and thinkers make up the foundation of contemporary thought? 3) How were these texts shaped by the social context of that time? In other words, how do these writings reflect the broader social and economic thoughts of that time period? 4) Finally, how do these texts influence social scientific theorizing and analysis today?
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall.

  • SOCI 4315 - Class Race and Gender

    3 hour(s)
    Analysis of the impact of class, race and gender on community life. Attention to the historical and contemporary production of inequality tough the construction and operation of stratification structures. Overview of class, race and gender privilege and advantage. Students will learn that the wellbeing of various social and ethnic groups in the U.S. is linked to the historical incorporation of immigrants.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Spring of Even Years.

  • SOCI 4325 - Community Development

    3 hour(s)
    Examination of historical, economic and cultural factors that shape community development and health. Attention to how the construction of communities and their spatial settings affect everyday community life, specifically, to the construction and impact of ethnic enclaves and their residents.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall.

  • SOCI 4327 - Environmental Sociology

    3 hour(s)
    Explores relationships between human communities and the natural environment. Examines social causes of environmental depletion and abuse. Considers issues of environmental inequality and injustice, which are particularly visible poor, non-white and immigrant communities. Focuses on strategies for social change, including those of environmental movements from a sociological practice perspective.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall.

  • SOCI 4330 - Violence in Communities and Families

    3 hour(s)
    Examination of the nature and extent of violence, causes of violent behavior between intimates and in the community and the consequences of such violence for people, especially children. Discussion of the impact of violence and homicide on health of communities and countries.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

  • SOCI 4341 - Social Movements and Revolution

    3 hour(s)
    Study of the means of social transformation that might be used to encourage people to act as agents of change in the alteration of their individual situations, communities and societies. Particular attention will be paid to the efforts of historical and contemporary immigrant groups (e.g. Irish, Chicanos, transnational Colombians) in their struggle for political and social power. Furthermore, considerable attention is given to the up rootedness and immigration created tough global conflicts.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.

  • SOCI 5190 - Selected Topics

    1 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SOCI 5290 - Selected Topics

    2 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SOCI 5356 - Integrative Capstone Course

    3 hour(s)
    The examination and application of various theoretical perspectives and methodological processes. Students have the option of 1) conducting original research or 2) conducting a community based project to illustrate their ability of integrating knowledge and skills acquired from their two social and behavioral science concentrations (anthropology, criminology, psychology, and sociology) and minor or certificate.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Spring.

  • SOCI 5387 - Research Seminar

    3 hour(s)
    Tough hands-on and one-on-one experiences with their instructor, students will learn how to collect and analyze data and discuss their findings tough written reports. Specifically, students will learn the 1) basic elements of designing and administering questionnaires 2) most common sampling methods used in the social sciences and 3) basic statistical procedures used to describe, summarize and analyze original or pre-existing data. Students will gain vital technical proficiencies including Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Online Survey platforms like Qualtrics or Survey Monkey, which will make students more marketable in the workforce and/or post-undergraduate studies.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: MATH 1301 MATH 1303 , MATH 1304 , MATH 2303  or an equivalent
    Offered: Spring.

  • SOCI 5389 - Practicum

    3 hour(s)
    Experiential learning opportunity in which methods and theories of sociology are applied in practice while working under supervision in a public or private sector setting. Students will practice skill and knowledge on community health and/or immigration issues in order to prepare for professional life and/or graduate school.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Fee: $ 20
    Offered: Spring.

  • SOCI 5390 - Selected Topics

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.


  • SPAN 1411 - Elementary Spanish I

    4 hour(s)
    Introduction to four basic skills of language learning: aural understanding, oral expression, reading and writing; intensive class drill. (TCCN)
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPAN 1412 - Elementary Spanish II

    4 hour(s)
    Introduction to four basic skills of language learning; aural understanding, oral expression, reading and writing; intensive class drill. (TCCN)
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: SPAN 1411 .
    Offered: Spring, Fall.

  • SPAN 2190 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    1-6 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? 3
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2290 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    2 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I

    3 hour(s)
    Oral/aural exercises; formal presentation of grammar; reading of contemporary works; writing of compositions in Spanish. (TCCN)
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412  or equivalent.
    Offered: Fall.

  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II

    3 hour(s)
    Oral/aural exercise; formal presentation of grammar reading of contemporary works; writing compositions in Spanish. (TCCN)
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412 , SPAN 2311  or equivalents.
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPAN 2321 - Conversational Spanish

    3 hour(s)
    Practice in oral communication tough audiovisual aids, class discussion, presentation of topics of immediate interest and usefulness.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412  or equivalents.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2342 - Spanish for Heritage Language Speakers I

    3 hour(s)
    Cultural, historical, and linguistic aspects of the spoken Spanish by individuals whose heritage is a Spanish-speaking geographic area in the U.S. Special attention to lexicon, key grammatical points, reading and composition to add to students’ knowledge. 
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: Interview by instructor and/or program head of Spanish. 
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPAN 2343 - Spanish for Heritage Language Speakers II

    3 hour(s)
    Continuation of cultural, historical, and linguistic aspects of the spoken Spanish by individuals whose heritage is a Spanish-speaking geographic area in the U.S. Special attention to lexicon, key grammatical points, reading and composition to add to students’ knowledge.  
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: SPAN 2342  
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPAN 2390 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2490 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    4 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2590 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    5 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2621 - Conversational Spanish

    6 hour(s)
    Practice in oral communication tough audio-visual aids, class discussion, presentation of topics of immediate interest and usefulness.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 2690 - Selected Issues in Spanish

    6 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 3301 - Advanced Spanish Grammar, Reading and Composition

    3 hour(s)
    Oral and written exercises in idiomatic Spanish; compositions, discussions, and oral presentations based on readings specific to student’s major discipline in Spanish; should be taken as early as possible in student’s advanced work.​
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312  or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall.

  • SPAN 3302 - Advanced Spanish Grammar Reading Composition II

    3 hour(s)
    Oral and written exercises in idiomatic Spanish; compositions and discussions based on reading of modern authors; should be taken as early as possible in student’s advanced work.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2311 , SPAN 2312 , SPAN 3301  or equivalents.
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPAN 3311 - Civilization and Culture of Spain

    3 hour(s)
    Lectures and readings on ethnological, geographical, historical, political, economic, sociological and artistic factors that constitute the culture of Spain.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.

  • SPAN 3312 - Civilization and Culture of Latin America

    3 hour(s)
    Lectures and readings on ethnological, geographical, historical, political, economic, sociological and artistic factors that constitute the culture of Latin America.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.

  • SPAN 3313 - Civilization and Culture of Mexico

    3 hour(s)
    Lectures and readings on ethnological, geographical, historical, political, economic, sociological and artistic factors that constitute the culture of Mexico.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring of Even Years.

  • SPAN 3328 - Professional Oral and Written Communication in Spanish

    3 hour(s)
    Oral and written communication in Spanish in professional situations likely to arise in students’ academic specializations; reading of related works; formal presentation of grammar.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 .
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPAN 3333 - Masterpieces of Spanish Literature

    3 hour(s)
    Lectures and readings of selected masterpieces of literature of Spain from the Middle Ages to the present with an emphasis on literary techniques and terminology. Analysis of social, cultural and historical context of Spain’s major literary periods and works.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.

  • SPAN 3343 - Masterpieces of Latin American Literature

    3 hour(s)

    Lectures and readings on selected masterpieces of literature of Latin America from the pre-colonial period to the present with an emphasis on literary techniques and terminology. Analysis of social, cultural and historical context of Latin America’s major literary periods and works.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312  or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.

    Offered: Spring of Even Years.

  • SPAN 3353 - Masterpieces of Mexican Literature

    3 hour(s)
    Survey of literature of Mexico from pre-colonial period to the present with an emphasis on literary techniques and terminology. Analysis of social, cultural and historical context of Mexico’s major literary periods and works.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.

  • SPAN 3360 - Spanish for the Healthcare Professions

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth oral and written communication specifically related to the healthcare professions. 
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor. 
    Offered: Spring of Even Years.

  • SPAN 3373 - Language and Identities: The Politics of Spanish in the U.S. ​

    3 hour(s)
    Cultural, social, political, historical dimensions of Spanish language and identities in the U.S. with special attention to the Southwest. ​
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor. 
    Offered: Spring of Odd Years.

  • SPAN 3383 - Mexican American/Chicano Literature in Spanish since 1848

    3 hour(s)
    Mexican American/Chicano literature and its relationship to historical, linguistic, political, and cultural settings; readings in various genres; creative writing assignments. ​
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Even Years.

  • SPAN 4160 - Biliterate Certificate Program Capstone Project

    1 hour(s)
    Integration of skills and knowledge previously acquired in advanced Spanish courses and through a practicum or experiential learning in the student’s field of study. 
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4342  or a course in the student’s major with a practicum or experiential learning component. 
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPAN 4190 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    1-6 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4290 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    2 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4310 - Business Spanish​

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth oral and written communication specifically related to the business field. ​
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall of Odd Years.

  • SPAN 4325 - Spanish for the Helping Professions​

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth oral and written communication in Spanish for the helping professions; reading of related works; formal presentation of grammar.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2343  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPAN 4332 - Spanish English Contrastive Linguistics

    3 hour(s)
    Contrastive analysis of syntax and overall grammar between the two languages, including socio- linguistic norms.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 2311 , SPAN 2312  or equivalents.
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPAN 4342 - Biliterate Certificate Program Practicum

    3 hour(s)
    Direct observation of language, values and attitudes in a Spanish-speaking setting related to the student’s major discipline. Course to be taken by students pursuing the Biliterate Certificate whose major does not offer a course with a practicum component. 
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: SPAN 3302 .
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPAN 4361 - Spanish Study Tour

    3-6 hour(s)
    Direct observation of language, values and attitudes in a Spanish-speaking country.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4390 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4395 - Summative Experience

    3 hour(s)
    A capstone course that requires students to integrate skills and knowledge previously learned in advanced Spanish courses. Guided by a Spanish faculty member, students will complete an individualized project on an independent study basis. Projects may involve research, reading, and report or creative writing.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: 18 advanced hours in Spanish. Includes the Oral Proficiency Interview and the Writing Proficiency Test from the Language Testing International Branch of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
    Fee: $ 100
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4398 - Practicum and Summative Experience

    3 hour(s)
    Capstone course and experience that require students to integrate skills and knowledge previously learned in advanced Spanish courses. Guided by a faculty member. Includes the Oral Proficiency Interview and the Writing Proficiency Test from the Language Testing International Branch of the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisites: Minimum 27 advanced hours in Spanish.
    Fee: $ 120
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4461 - Spanish Study Tour

    4 hour(s)
    Direct observation of language, values and attitudes in a Spanish-speaking country.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4490 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    4 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4561 - Spanish Study Tour

    5 hour(s)
    Direct observation of language, values and attitudes in a Spanish-speaking country.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4590 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    5 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4661 - Spanish Study Tour

    6 hour(s)
    Direct observation of language, values and attitudes in a Spanish-speaking country.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: As Needed.

  • SPAN 4690 - Selected Topics in Spanish

    6 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

Special Education

  • SPED 2338 - Survey of Exceptionalities

    3 hour(s)
    An overview of differences associated with varying exceptionalities as defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA). Review of professional issues, legal and ethical considerations and best practices in instruction, detection, and programming for culturally and linguistically diverse students with exceptionalities. 15 hours service-learning in a special education setting required.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Fee: $ 10.
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • SPED 4324 - Developmental Disabilities and Autism

    3 hour(s)
    Background in characteristics, causes, prevalence and identification of individuals with developmental disabilities and autism. Specific interventions for facilitating the education and training for this target population. Examination of theory and practice of transition planning from school to community living, post-secondary education, and employment.  40 hours of field experience required in specialized setting.

    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: SPED 2338  or consent of instructor.
    Offered: Spring.

  • SPED 4351 - Behavior Management: Special Education

    3 hour(s)
    Proactive intervention strategies, reductive techniques, and crisis prevention and intervention strategies for common behavior problems in children with  disabilities. Emphasis on RTI and positive behavior intervention supports as applied to individuals and groups. The planning, application and evaluation of behavior modification techniques for students with emotional/behavioral disorders, will be included with development of a behavior change project. 10 hours of Field Experience required.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall.

  • SPED 5191 - Special Studies: Special Education

    1 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisites: Six advanced semester hours in Special Education and consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

  • SPED 5343 - Law and Contemporary Issues in Special Education

    3 hour(s)
    Significant historical and current issues in special education services including the inclusive model with families and other professionals; multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) federal and state laws and legal issues, professional practices and ethics. Topics include: confidentiality, identification, assessment and monitoring, behavioral interventions, related services, assistive technology, service agencies, and IEP development. Community advocacy experience in special populations required.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: SPED 2338 .
    Fee: $ 35.
    Offered: Fall.

  • SPED 5391 - Special Studies: Special Education

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisites: Six advanced semester hours in Special Education and consent of instructor.
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.


  • SPCH 2190 - Selected Issues in Speech

    1 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 2290 - Selected Issues in Speech

    2 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 2390 - Selected Issues in Speech

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 2490 - Selected Issues in Speech

    4 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 2590 - Selected Issues in Speech

    5 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 2690 - Selected Issues in Speech

    6 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topic(s) chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
  • SPCH 4191 - Selected Topics in Speech

    1 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • SPCH 4291 - Selected Topics in Speech

    2 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • SPCH 4391 - Selected Topics in Speech

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • SPCH 4491 - Selected Topics in Speech

    4 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • SPCH 4591 - Selected Topics in Speech

    5 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • SPCH 4691 - Selected Topics in Speech

    6 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

Theology and Spiritual Action

  • THSA 1300 - The Catholic Imagination

    3 hour(s)
    A survey and study of Christian individuals and institutions engaging challenges throughout the growth of Catholicism. Emphasis on Catholic critical reflection, prayer and action.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall, Spring.

  • THSA 1310 - Introduction to Spirituality and Providence

    3 hour(s)
    Introductory study of selected types of Christian spirituality, including study of the Providence charism.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

  • THSA 1320 - Reading the Bible

    3 hour(s)
    Survey of the structure and contents of the Bible, as well as basic methods of interpretation.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

  • THSA 2190 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    1 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2290 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    2 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2320 - Christian Scriptures

    3 hour(s)
    Survey of selected Gospel literature, focusing on the themes of the Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Proclamation, service and prayer.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2337 - Relationships and Christian Marriage

    3 hour(s)
    Study of Christian marriage as covenant, sacrament and vocation; marriage seen from various viewpoints, Biblical, doctrinal, psychological and sociological.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2350 - Christian Morality and Ethics

    3 hour(s)
    A study of the principles and insights of the Christian tradition regarding human values and the religious orientation of humankind; questions of the nature of person, freedom, responsibility and conscience.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2380 - Inter-Religious Dialogue and Religions of the World

    3 hour(s)
    Catholic teaching on inter-religious dialogue and a survey of selected global religious traditions in their adherence to and search for God, sacred reality, peace.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2390 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2490 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    4 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2590 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    5 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 2690 - Selected Issues in Theology and Spiritual Action

    6 hour(s)
    Introduction to specialized topics.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3332 - Theology of Jesus Christ and God

    3 hour(s)
    Historical and theological analysis of the identity and meaning of Jesus Christ, God and the Trinity.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3352 - Social Justice and Christianity

    3 hour(s)
    The nature of justice and peace and their relationship to the Christian life; Biblical understanding of justice and peace; analysis of Catholic Church’s position on justice and peace since Vatican ll.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3360 - Introduction to Latinx Theology

    3 hour(s)
    Development of Latinx Theology by representative theologians, including the study of representative LGBTQIA authors articulating new ethical, social and religious formulations. Contextual aspects of the Mexican American, Latino/a and Latinx communities in South Texas and the United States.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? No
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or approval by instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3362 - Mexican Americans: Their Spiritual Foundation (HC)

    3 hour(s)
    The religious foundations of the Mexican American people; Meso-American religion; Spanish Catholicism, founding the Church, the question of syncretism, colonialism and religious liberators, Protestant America, and the modern era.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3383 - Leadership: Women and Spirituality

    3 hour(s)
    Interdisciplinary course examines the influence of spirituality on women leaders through an analysis of theories, case studies and interviews with local women leaders, and interactions through technology with students at their campuses.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor. (Students in Honors program only)
    Offered: Fall.

  • THSA 3388 - Peacemaking Conflict Resolution

    3 hour(s)
    Introduction to the principles of a Christian vocation of peacemaking. Interdisciplinary and a praxis-based examination of theological understandings of non-violence as commitment to peacemaking.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 3390 - Selected Topics in Theology and Spiritual Action

    3 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topics chosen by instructor. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or approval by instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 4190 - Selected Topics in Theology and Spiritual Action

    1 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 4290 - Selected Topics in Theology and Spiritual Action

    2 hour(s)
    In-depth study of specialized topic chosen by instructor.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 4300 - The Catholic Reality (Capstone)

    3 hour(s)
    A study of contemporary Catholic teachings and perspectives, applied to contemporary issues and challenges. Service learning pedagogy.
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.

  • THSA 4310 - Classics in Catholic Spirituality

    3 hour(s)
    Selected study of treasures of the Catholic spiritual tradition, among them: Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Jean-Martin Moye, Therese of Lisieux, Cesar Chavez.  
    Grading Basis: Letter Grade
    Is this course repeatable for credit? Yes
    Prerequisite: Advanced standing or consent of instructor.
    Offered: As Needed.


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