2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Campus Services

Centers and Offices

Programs and Services

Centers and Offices

Academic Advising Procedures

Freshmen and sophomore students, through 60 semester hours, are advised by counselors in the Academic Advising Office in the Student Success Center. Thereafter, a faculty adviser assists each student in preparing a degree plan, approves the student’s course schedule for each enrollment period, and assists with any academic problems that may occur. Although students are expected to avail themselves of the adviser’s assistance whenever needed, each student individually assumes the final responsibility for the selection of courses in meeting degree and certificate requirements. The adviser’s approval is required for registering for courses; for adding, dropping or changing courses; for taking courses at other institutions; and for exemptions from academic regulations. Regular consultations with advisers are recommended for all students.

Click here for more information regarding Academic Advising.



Center for Information Assurance

Center for Serving Learning & Volunteerism

The Center for Mexican American Studies and Research

For information about the Center for Mexican American Studies and Research, click here.

The Center for Science and Mathematics Education

Established in 2001, is located in the Durango House on campus. The center coordinates a variety of initiatives designed to improve STEM teaching in area school districts and houses two professional development initiatives (1) OLLU Texas Regional Collaborative (one of the 65 programs in Texas) is focusing on middle school Earth Science; and (2) OLLU Texas Higher Education: Teacher Quality which is focusing on Place Based Inquiry: ACORN Project. Area Children Organized to Replant Natives is an environmental research program for 3rd grade through 8th grade students. Both programs coordinate graduate study opportunities, professional development, mentoring, teacher recognition and a resource/library.

Center for Women in Church and Society

Harry Jersig Center

Study Abroad Adviser

International Education programs provide students with the opportunity to connect with international communities, whether at home or abroad, and enhance their knowledge and understanding of their own and others’ cultures. The interim Study Abroad Coordinator, located in the Global and Strategic Initiatives office (Moye Hall) serves as the primary contact for international, global, and intercultural activities and initiatives on campus. We are committed to supporting the following types of international education opportunities: (1) OLLU faculty-led study tours; (2) international exchanges with universities in other countries; and (3) semester-long study abroad programs. Students are encouraged to stop by the Intercultural Resource Center, located in Moye Hall 204, to explore study abroad opportunities, learn about faculty-led study tours, and explore their own academic, cross-cultural, and career development within an international context.


Financial Aid & Scholarships

The Financial Aid Office at OLLU provides resources and options that make a quality, private education affordable.

Financial Options Available

OLLU awards scholarships to undergraduates on the basis of admission test scores and high school grades. Every undergraduate student who applies for admission is automatically considered for a scholarship.

Grants and loans from federal and state financial aid programs and University sources are available. Grants do not need to be repaid. Loans are repaid at variable rates after the student is no longer enrolled on at least a half-time basis.

Work awards are made through federal and state work-study programs, as well as through University programs. Students receiving a work-study award will work approximately 10-12 hours per week in a University office or department.

Outside scholarships

For additional information on scholarship opportunities, visit the financial aid website at www.ollusa.edu/FinancialAid.

Applying for Financial Aid

To be considered for financial aid, the student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. Filing online will expedite the process. On the FAFSA, the student must include Our Lady of the Lake University’s federal school code number, 003598. This will assure that OLLU receives the information electronically.

The FAFSA process begins on October 1. To be considered for priority awarding, the student should complete the FAFSA by March 1. The most important thing to remember is to apply early. Students must reapply for financial aid each year.


The Department of Education randomly selects students for a process called verification. Verification means that OLLU will be comparing information from the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) with signed copies of the student and/or the parent(s) IRS Tax Transcript. Additional documentation may be required to resolve discrepancies found in the verification process. If there are differences between the FAFSA and financial documents, corrections will be made electronically by the Financial Aid Office.

All students who have been selected for verification will not be awarded until the verification process is completed. OLLU encourages students and families to submit the requested documentation as soon as possible to avoid any delays.

All documents submitted to the Financial Aid Office become the property of OLLU.

Eligibility requirements

The student:

  • must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible program of study
  • must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen
  • must meet satisfactory academic process
  • must have a valid Social Security number
  • must certify that he or she will use federal student aid only for educational purposes
  • must certify that he or she is not in default on a federal student loan and owes no money on a federal student grant
  • must comply with Selective Service registration

Special Circumstances

The student’s eligibility for aid is based on the information that the student reported on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). OLLU is aware that some families have situations which are not covered in the information that is provided on the FAFSA. There must be compelling reasons for the Financial Aid Office to take into account special circumstances the student might have. These circumstances could include the family’s unusual medical expenses, tuition expenses or unemployment. Adequate documentation to support any request must be provided.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies


Federal Financial Aid regulations require Our Lady of the Lake University to monitor a student’s progress toward earning a degree. Financial aid recipients must meet OLLU minimum progress standards to remain eligible for financial aid. Those who are not financial aid recipients, but would like to apply for financial aid, must meet these minimum progress standards to receive financial aid. There are four components that the Financial Aid Office checks at the end of the spring term to determine if a student will remain eligible or become eligible for financial aid. Failure to meet any one of these minimum requirements will result in the loss of financial aid eligibility. These four components of the OLLU Satisfactory Academic Progress policy are:

  1. Degree Seeking Program - The student must be enrolled in a degree seeking program to receive financial aid.
  2. Quantitative Measure - The student must complete at least 75 percent of attempted term hours with a grade of D or better.
  3. Qualitative Measure - The student must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 if he/she is an undergraduate student or maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 if he/she is a graduate/professional student.
  4. Time Frame Maximum - The student must not have attempted more that 150 percent of the credit hours required for graduation in his/her degree program.

Degree Seeking Program

The student must be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program to receive financial aid. A regular student is defined as a student who is enrolled for the purpose of obtaining a degree offered by Our Lady of the Lake University. Students not enrolled in a degree program cannot receive financial aid.

Quantitative Measure

In an effort to make sure students complete their degree plans on time, Our Lady of the Lake University has chosen a Quantitative measure of 75 percent. A student must earn 75 percent of the credit hours attempted during a school year in order to continue to receive financial aid. Only grades of A, B, C, D, and P are considered as passing grades. All other grades will be counted as if the student received a letter grade of F. The formula used to figure the completion rate is to divide the hours completed by the hours attempted.

Example: A student registers for 15 hours in the fall term and drops to 12 hours the third week of the term. The student goes on to complete all 12 credit hours in the fall term with a grade of D or better. In the spring, the same student registers for 18 hours and half way through the term drops to 12 credit hours. The student goes on to complete all 12 credit hours in the spring term with a grade of D or better. Does the student meet the quantitative measure of Our Lady of the Lake University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy?

Fall term credit hours attempted (15) + spring term credit hours attempted (18) = 33 attempted credit hours

Fall term completed credit hours (12) + spring term completed credit hours (12) = 24 completed credit hours

Total credit hours completed (24) divided by total credit hours attempted (33) = 72 percent completion

In this example the student does not meet this minimum requirement and will lose financial aid eligibility.

Qualitative Measure

All of the undergraduate degree programs offered at Our Lady of the Lake University require that the student earn a Grade Point Average of at least a 2.0 to graduate. In an effort to ensure academic standing consistent with the requirement for graduation, any undergraduate student whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 will lose financial aid eligibility. A graduate/professional student must maintain the minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to earn and maintain financial aid.

Example: An undergraduate student starts in the fall and receives a cumulative 1.9 GPA. At the end of the spring semester the undergraduate student has a cumulative GPA of 2.3. Does the student lose financial aid eligibility?

No, the student maintained the minimum GPA requirement at the time Our Lady of the Lake University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy was reviewed.

Time Frame Maximum

Federal regulations require Our Lady of the Lake University to place a maximum time frame in which a student can receive financial aid to complete a program of study. Our Lady of the Lake University allows a student to attempt 150 percent of the required credit hours it takes to complete a degree program of choice. If more than 150 percent of the credit hours needed to complete a degree program are attempted, the student will lose financial aid eligibility.

Example: An undergraduate student wishes to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, which will take 120 credit hours to earn. How many hours can this student attempt and still receive financial aid?

Credit hours required to complete the chosen program of study (120) times 150 percent = 180

In this example, the student can attempt 180 credit hours before losing financial aid eligibility.

Note: Transfer Students

Our Lady of the Lake University will use transfer hours to calculate the cumulative grade point average and to calculate the maximum time frame to receive financial aid.

Impact of withdrawals on SAP

Official Withdrawals - Students who officially withdraw from all classes during the fall, spring or summer semesters will be placed on financial aid suspension for their next term of enrollment.

Unofficial Withdrawals - Students who receive all failing grades including (F’s, W’s, WI’s) are considered unofficially withdrawn from the University and will be placed on financial aid suspension. Federal regulations require that a return of funds calculation be completed on all students who receive federal aid unless the last day of attendance can be confirmed with the registrar’s office past the 60 percent date in that semester. This calculation may result in the student owing the university or the Department of Education a balance that must be paid prior to the next term of enrollment.

Administrative Withdrawal or Enforced Scholastic Withdrawal - A student who has been administratively withdrawn or academically withdrawn from the University is also suspended from receiving financial aid.

Notification Process - Students will receive notification of their status at the end of each semester after grades are posted. Notification will be sent via email and on the university campus portal.

Appeals Process

If a student does not meet Our Lady of the Lake University’s minimum standards of progress and the student loses financial aid eligibility, the student may submit an appeal to have financial aid reinstated. These appeals are based on extenuating circumstances that occurred during the school year when the GPA or completion rate declined. These extenuating circumstances should include examples such as: prolonged illness, accidents that require hospitalization for the student or an immediate family member, and/or death of an immediate family member.

All appeals submitted to the financial aid office MUST have documentation attached before presented to the financial aid appeals committee. Students should submit completed appeals forms to the Financial Aid Office no later than July 15 of each year. A completed appeals form must have appropriate documentation attached to the form to verify the purpose of the appeal. The decision made by the financial aid appeals committee is final.

Student Procedures

  1. Student is notified by the Financial Aid Office that they have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.
  2. If extenuating circumstances exist, then the student has the option to appeal by submitting a Financial Aid Appeals Form to the Financial Aid Office and attaching the appropriate documentation. Appeals can be submitted electronically or in person to the Financial Aid Office at the Walter Student Service Center Room 105.
  3. Student is informed of the appeals outcome and may be able to reapply for financial aid.

Financial Aid Probation

If approval is granted, the student will be placed on financial aid probation and financial aid will be reinstated. If placed on financial aid probation, a student’s progress standards will be checked after each term until either financial aid eligibility is lost through financial aid suspension or regained through satisfactory progression toward earning a degree. To regain satisfactory progression toward earning a degree, the student must complete 100 percent of the classes attempted for the term in which he/she is under probation with a GPA of 2.0 or higher for undergraduates students. If all attempted credit hours are not completed, and or GPA requirements are not met, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension and lose financial aid.

Financial Aid Procedures

  1. Financial Aid Office runs Satisfactory Academic Progress program at the end of the spring semester.
  2. Financial Aid Office notifies suspended students via email.
  3. Students are informed of the appeals process.
  4. Suspended student files an appeal with the Financial Aid Office.
  5. Committee Chairman Marsha Eldridge informs the student of the outcome of the appeal.
  6. Committee Chairman Marsha Eldridge, associate director of financial aid, reviews grades at the end of the fall semester for students that have been placed on probation. If the student fails to meet the conditions of the appeal, then financial aid is terminated. If the student completes all courses with a “C” or better for undergraduate, then financial aid eligibility is continued.

Financial Aid Suspension

If an appeal is denied, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension and will not receive financial aid. To regain financial aid eligibility, the student will need to attempt and complete, at his/her own expense, the same number of hours attempted before our aid was suspended at Our Lady of the Lake University. The student must attempt these credit hours at Our Lady of the Lake University and complete all courses attempted with a “C” or better for undergraduate students in order for financial aid to be reinstated at OLLU.

Repeat Coursework

Effective fall 2012, per federal regulations (34 CFR Section 668.2), repeated coursework that falls under the following conditions cannot be included in a student’s enrollment status for Federal Aid eligibility. This regulation will also include federal, state and institutional funding.

  • Repeating a previously passed course more than once. A course is considered passed if the student receives a grade of D or better.
  • Repeating a previously passed course due to failing other coursework.
  • Repeating a previously passed course for the sole purpose of gaining eligibility for financial aid.

Federal aid is calculated according to need and the student’s adjusted enrollment status.

Recalculation will be applied regardless of whether a student received aid for previous courses and is based solely on how many times a course has been taken and passed.

Example 1:

A student is taking a previously passed three credit hour course for the third time. The student is enrolled in a total of 12 credit hours for the term. Per federal regulations, the repeated course must be excluded from the student’s aid eligibility. Only nine of the student’s 12 hours can be used to calculate aid eligibility. The student’s aid will be adjusted to 3/4 time instead of full-time enrollment.

Example 2:

A student repeats a previously passed course. The student receives an F on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for financial aid.

Example 3:

A student repeats a previously passed course. The student withdraws from the course on the second attempt. The student attempts the course for the third time. The third course attempt will not be counted in total enrollment hours for Financial Aid.

NOTE: To receive the following awards students must be enrolled full-time or aid will be adjusted accordingly: Academic scholarship, OLLU grant, athletic scholarship, Pell Grant, SEOG, TEG and work-study.

Dropping Classes

In certain situations, a student may find it necessary to reduce their course load due to personal, financial or academic reasons. Students contemplating such a reduction in hours must notify the Financial Aid Office to determine what implications such action may have on their financial aid.
Some financial aid programs require specific minimum hours of enrollment to be eligible for and to continue receiving those funds. Students who fail to notify the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping a course(s) may incur an unexpected financial obligation to the University.

There may be financial aid implications if a student is withdrawn from a class due to non-attendance.

Complete Withdrawals and Returns of Title IV Funds Policy

This policy applies to students who complete 60 percent or less of the enrollment period (i.e., fall, spring or summer session) for which they received Federal Title IV aid. A student who drops a class but still completes one or more classes does not qualify for the Return of Title IV Funds policy. The term “Title IV aid” refers to the following federal financial aid programs: Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans, Subsidized Direct Stafford loans, Federal Perkins loans, Direct PLUS (Parent) loans, Federal Pell Grants, Federal SEOG (Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant and TEACH Grant). To conform to the policy, Our Lady of the Lake University must determine the student’s withdrawal date and process within 45 days. The withdrawal date is defined as:

  1. The date the student began the withdrawal process or officially notified Our Lady of the Lake University of their intent to withdraw; or
  2. The last date of attendance at an academically-related activity by a student who doesn’t notify Our Lady of the Lake University

The calculation required determines a student’s earned and unearned Title IV aid based on the percentage of the enrollment period completed by the student. The percentage of the period that the student remained enrolled is derived by dividing the number of days the student attended by the number of days in the period. Calendar days (including weekends) are used, but breaks of at least five days are excluded from both the numerator and denominator. Until a student has passed the 60 percent point of enrollment period, only a portion of the student’s aid has been earned. A student who remains enrolled beyond the 60 percent point is considered to have earned all awarded aid for the enrollment period. Earned aid is not related in any way to institutional charges. In addition, the University’s refund policy and Return of Title IV Funds procedures are independent of one another. A student who withdraws from a course may be required to return unearned aid and still owe the University for the course. For more information on the Our Lady of

the Lake University withdrawal and institutional charges’ policies, please consult the website. The responsibility to repay unearned Title IV aid is shared by Our Lady of the Lake University and the student. For example, the calculation may require Our Lady of the Lake University to return a portion of federal funds to the Federal Title IV programs. In addition, the student may also be required to return funds based on the calculation. The return of federal aid is in the following order: Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans, Subsidized Direct Stafford loans, Federal Perkins loans, Direct PLUS (Parent) loans, Federal Pell Grants, Federal SEOG (supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant and Teach Grant).

How to Handle an Overpayment

Students who owe funds to a grant program are required to make payment of those funds within 45 days of being notified that they owe this overpayment. During the 45-day period, students will remain eligible for the Title IV funds. If no positive action is taken by the student within 45 days of being notified, Our Lady of the Lake University will notify the U.S. Department of Education of the student’s overpayment situation. The student will no longer be eligible for Title IV funds until they enter into a satisfactory repayment agreement with the U.S. Department of Education. During the 45-day period, the student can make full payment to Our Lady of the Lake University for the overpayment. The University will forward the payment to the U.S. Department of Education and the student will remain eligible for Title IV funds. Please make checks payable to Our Lady of the Lake University, Attn: Student Business Office. Please attach a remittance coupon to assure proper credit.

If a student is unable to pay the overpayment in full, the student can set up a repayment plan with the U.S. Department of Education. Before doing this, the student should contact the Our Lady of the Lake University Office of Financial Aid. The student should ensure that OLLU has referred the situation to the U.S. Department of Education before any repayment plan can be set up. To contact the U.S. Department of Education, refer to the address listed below.

U.S. Department of Education Student Financial Assistance Programs, P.O. Box 4222, Iowa City, Iowa 52245. Phone: 1-800-621-3115, e-mail: DCS_HELP@ed.gov. For examples of the Return of Title IV Funds calculations or questions regarding the overpayment policy, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Summary Return of Title IV Funds Policy

  • If a student withdraws or otherwise terminates enrollment during the first 60 percent of the semester or session, and receives financial assistance from the Title IV programs (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, TEACH Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Stafford Loan, and Federal PLUS Loan), the student earns Title IV funds in direct proportion to the length of time the student was enrolled. The percentage of time during the period that the student remained enrolled is the percentage of disbursable aid for the semester/session that has been earned. The percentage of the period that the student remained enrolled is derived by dividing the number of days the student attended by the number of days in the semester/session. Calendar days are used but breaks of at least five concurrent days are excluded from the calculation.
  • Title IV programs reimbursement monies will be withheld from any institutional refunds (tuition, room, board, fees, etc.) due to the student. If these monies are not sufficient to cover the reimbursement required, the student will be billed for the remaining amount. Failure by the student to comply with the Return of Title IV Funds Policy will make him/her ineligible to participate in any Title IV aid program from any post-secondary institution until s/he becomes compliant with the Return of Title IV Funds policy.

Note: Unofficial Withdrawals

Students who receive all failing grades including (F’s, W’s, WI’s) are considered unofficially withdrawn from the University and will be placed on financial aid suspension. Federal regulations require that a return of funds calculation be completed on all students who receive federal aid unless the last day of attendance can be confirmed with the Registrar’s Office past the 60 percent date in that semester. This calculation may result in the student owing the University or the Department of Education a balance that must be paid prior to the next term of enrollment.

Contact Information

Students have the right to understand the financial aid process, questions are always welcome. Call 210-434-3960 or visit the Financial Aid Office located in the Walter Student Service Center, Room 105.

Students are encouraged to visit the financial aid website at www.ollusa.edu/FinancialAid.

Registrar’s Office

Records and Transcripts

Privacy (FERPA) Information

Student records at Our Lady of the Lake University of San Antonio are subject to provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-380) (FERPA), as amended, and to regulations interpreting the act.

This act provides that students shall have access to their official “education record” and shall have the opportunity to challenge such records if they deem them inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights. Except for directory information, the University may not release personally identifiable data from student records to other than a specified list of exceptions without the written consent of the student. Even a release of information to parents or spouse requires the student’s written consent.

Available upon request from the Registrar’s Office are copies of the act, a list of types of records maintained, names and titles of responsible officials and of personnel having access, procedures for reviewing or challenging records and forms for requesting copies, releasing restricted information or prohibiting release of directory information. Policies and procedures governing student records are also published in the Student Handbook.

Our Lady of the Lake University hereby designates the following as public or directory information:

  • Name, address (local and permanent), telephone listing
  • Email address
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance (“from” and “to” dates of enrollment)
  • Degrees and awards received
  • The most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
  • Photograph

The institution may disclose such information for any purpose, at its discretion.

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of directory information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. To withhold disclosure of directory information, written notification must be received in the Office of the Registrar, 411 S.W. 24th Street, San Antonio, Texas 78207-4689, within the first 12 days of the fall or spring semester, the first four days of a summer session or the first weekend of class ( for students in the non-traditional scheduling format). Forms requesting the withholding of directory information are available in the Registrar’s Office on the San Antonio campus or online through MyOLLU Portal (Registrar’s Office Portal site). The restriction will remain in place until the student authorizes removal. Our Lady of the Lake University assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of directory information indicates individual approval for disclosure.

To protect a student’s privacy, all records and conversations between a student and the Financial Aid Office are confidential. No public announcement shall be made of need-based amounts awarded to students. No information concerning the student’s financial aid records will be released to anyone outside the Financial Aid Office without the student’s permission in accordance with FERPA. If a student wants information released, a consent form must be completed.

OLLU is required to provide an annual FERPA notice to eligible students and parents. For more information about FERPA, and to view the OLLU FERPA Annual Notice visit https://www.ollusa.edu/registrars-office/ferpa/index.html


Transcripts can be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse:


Request for an official transcript of academic credits should be addressed to:

Our Lady of the Lake University
Registrar’s Office
411 S.W. 24th Street
San Antonio, Texas 78207-4689

For security purposes, transcript requests are not accepted by telephone. All obligations to the University must be met before transcripts are released. Transcripts from other institutions are not reproduced.

Registration Procedures

Students must register for classes and make payment arrangements prior to the last registration day as noted in the official University calendar. Students who register after the last official day of early registration will be charged a late fee.

Students may register online through Student Self-Service with the following exceptions:

  1. Traditional undergraduate freshmen may not register online. They need to see their advisers to be registered or to obtain a signed Approval Form, which is processed in the Registrar’s Office.
  2. Traditional undergraduate freshmen may not take online courses.
  3. Undergraduate students on probation may not register online. They need to see their advisers to obtain a signed Approval Form, which can be processed in the Registrar’s Office.
  4. Special permissions (override of prerequisites, class limits, directed studies) may only be processed in the Registrar’s Office.

The University reserves the right to cancel on-campus courses for which the enrollment is fewer than 10 students and to cancel off-campus courses for insufficient enrollment.

Final Grades for Courses Taken Away from OLLU During Term in Which Graduating

Bachelor degree candidates who are taking courses at other institutions in the final term must make arrangements with the faculty at the other institution(s) to have final grades submitted to the Our Lady of the Lake University’s Registrar’s Office by the deadline specified in the University calendar (usually the Tuesday prior to commencement). A hold will be placed on the student’s record until receipt of the official transcript from the other institution reflecting the final grades. This hold will apply to any/all types of verification of degree: final transcripts (with graduation date), letters of completion and any other type of degree verification.

External Credit for Degree Candidates

Bachelor degree candidates must have completed and had posted to their student record the term prior to the graduating term all Prior Learning Assessments (credit by exam, CLEP, DANTES, military record evaluation, certified career credit, portfolios) and correspondence courses.

Commencement Exercises and Conferring of Degrees

Our Lady of the Lake University confers degrees in May, August, and December. Commencement exercises are held in San Antonio in May and December. Students who complete requirements in August may participate in either May or December commencement exercises, see the Graduation Participation policy below for more information.

Degree candidates will be notified of place and time for ordering caps and gowns. There is no charge for the rental of the cap and gown. At the students expense, invitations and/or announcements may be ordered at the same time.

A student who has completed all degree requirements may request a letter from the Registrar indicating that the degree will be formally conferred at the next degree-conferring date.

Graduation Participation Policy

Part I:  Credit Hours to Participate

Student will be eligible to participate if the following criteria are met:

1.  Student is registered for all pending course requirements and successfully completes all registered hours OR

2.  Student is registered for all pending course requirements and successfully completes all registered hours except for 3 or less hours. This could be due to failing a course or receiving an I or X grade at the end of registered term.  


3.  Student has completed all other degree requirements such as Dissertation, COMPS, Portfolio, etc.

Part II:  Summer Degree Recipients

1.  All students completing degree requirements during a Summer Academic session will be allowed to participate in December commencement ceremony.  

2.  Students will be allowed to participate in May Commencement if:

a. Student is lacking 6 or less hours to complete their degree requirements

b. Student has completed their COMPS, Dissertation, Portfolio, etc.

c. Student must notify the Registrar’s Office of their intent to participate by the deadline to apply for graduation.  If student does not notify the Registrar’s Office of their intent to participate in the May Commencement by the application deadline, their name will be added to the December Commencement list to participate.

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors are awarded to undergraduate students who have maintained high levels of scholastic achievement. Honors are awarded based on fulfillment of the following criteria:

  1. 3.5+ cumulative (overall) AND institutional (OLLU) grade point average for all college-level coursework
  2. Completion of 30 semester hours on a grade basis at OLLU
  3. Level of graduation honors is determined on the cumulative (overall) grade point average. In determining the level of honors, the cumulative grade point average cannot be higher than the institutional (OLLU) grade point average. In this case, the institutional (OLLU) grade point average will be used to determine the honors.

Level of honors are:

3.50 - 3.749 = cum laude
3.75 - 3.899 = magna cum laude
3.90 - 4.00 = summa cum laude

Holds on Transcripts for Degree Recipients

In some instances, a hold will be placed on a student’s record at the time of graduation for outstanding obligations to the University. This hold will prevent the release of any information concerning the conferring of the student’s degree. These obligations might include receipt of final transcript from another institution reflecting final grades received in that term, exit interviews, financial balances, overdue library books and fines.

Cross-Registration (Inter-Institutional Registration)

Bilateral agreements between the institutions of the United Colleges of San Antonio (UCSA) permit simplified procedures for student cross-registration. Our Lady of the Lake University students may enroll in courses at the University of the Incarnate Word, Oblate School of Theology and St. Mary’s University through the same process by which they enroll for courses at their home campus.

Information/restrictions concerning Cross-Registration:

  1. Students at any UCSA institution may, with appropriate authorization of that institution, register for courses at the graduate or undergraduate level at the other institutions, provided all academic prerequisites of that institution offering the courses are met.
  2. Student’s cross-registering at the secondary institution shall pay tuition at their “home” institution, plus any applicable course fees. Students must meet all applicable academic prerequisites and shall be subject to class attendance rules, grading policies, disciplinary regulations, and grievance procedures of the offering institution as these affect the course(s) taken.
  3. Students may cross-register at and through their home institution for courses at the secondary institution, processing their registration and paying their tuition and applicable course fees at the home institution.
  4. Restrictions to cross-registration process:
    1. Directed study courses and individual instruction
    2. Doctoral-level courses and programs
    3. 1000 and 2000 level courses will not be available for cross-registration unless exempted from the restriction by the appropriate college or school dean of from the institution to be attended. Such exemption may be for a specific student enrolled or for a course
    4. Non-traditional courses at Our Lady of the Lake University
    5. ADCaP courses at the University of the Incarnate Word
    6. School of Law courses at St. Mary’s University

Procedure for OLLU students registering for inter-institutional courses:

  1. Obtain and complete the “Request for Cross-Registration” form from the Registrar’s Office. Obtain all required OLLU signatures.
  2. Obtain signatures from the chair of the department/dean of the school and Registrar’s Office from the institution where the course will be taken.
  3. Submit signed “Request for Cross-Registration” form to the OLLU Registrar’s Office for processing. Allow 2-3 working days for processing each request.
  4. Student is responsible for notifying the OLLU Registrar’s Office of any changes made to the registration, i.e. cancellation of sections, dropping and/or adding sections/courses.

Schedule Changes (Add/Drop) Procedure

Students needing to change their schedule must present signed add/drop forms(s) to the:

  • Registrar’s Office, located in the Walter Center, Room 104
  • The Houston office, located 600 N. Sam Houston Pkwy W (Beltway8) for Houston students.
  • La Feria (Rio Grande Valley) 1650 S. Main, Room 113 for RGV students.
    Deadline dates to add or drop are printed in the narrative calendars located on the Registrar’s website: www.ollusa.edu/registrar. Add/Drop forms are available in the Registrar’s Office.
  • ADD: An Add form will need to be approved by the adviser (adviser’s signature must be on form) and submitted to the Registrar’s Office, Rio Grande Valley or the Houston Office for processing. Students should not be attending classes for which they are not officially registered.
  • DROP: 1) When students find it necessary to withdraw from all their courses, refer to the Withdrawal section below. 2) If a student wants to drop a class or classes but wishes to stay enrolled in at least one course, a Drop form will need to be approved by the adviser (adviser’s signature must be on form) and submitted to the Registrar’s Office or the Houston Office for processing. The last day to drop with a refund and the last day to withdraw from a session are printed in the narrative calendar located on the Registrar’s website. Some sessions allow a 50 percent refund for tuition only; visit the narrative calendars to determine in which session your course(s) is located. Students who drop a course(s) with a 50 percent refund will receive a Q grade on their record. Students will incur 50 percent of their tuition cost along with any associated fees. Students who drop after a refund period but before the Deadline to Withdraw from their session will receive a grade of W and will incur the cost of the course(s) and any associated fees. Some financial aid programs require specific minimum hours of enrollment to be eligible for and to continue receiving those funds. Students who fail to notify the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping a course(s) may incur an unexpected financial obligation to the University. Students withdrawn by instructor will receive a WI grade, dependent upon instructor submitting the Withdrawal by instructor form to the Registrar’s Office; student may also incur financial and/or financial aid implications.

Withdrawal Procedure

In certain situations, a student may find it necessary to withdraw from all courses due to personal or financial reasons. It is the responsibility of the student to properly withdraw by submitting the Withdraw form to:

  • Registrar’s Office, located in the Walter Center, Room 104
  • Houston 600 N. Sam Houston Pkwy W (Beltway 8)
  • La Feria (Rio Grande Valley) located in 1650 S. Main, Room 113
    Informal notification to faculty or other staff members does not constitute dropping officially from course(s). The University may initiate an institutional withdrawal for disciplinary reasons. Students on institutional withdrawal are proscribed by University policy from continuing their coursework.
  • WITHDRAWALS: In order to withdraw from all classes, the student must have the Withdrawal form signed by his/her adviser and a Financial Aid representative. Forms should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office or Houston Office for processing. It is the responsibility of the student to inquire with the Financial Aid Office and the Student Business Office of the billing and financial aid consequences before withdrawing from courses. Withdrawal consequence will be dependent upon the withdraw date (withdraw date is the date forms are submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing).
  • Students who do not properly drop or withdraw from courses will be responsible for full payment of all tuition and associated fees and will receive a grade submitted by faculty.
  • Note: Students who receive all failing grades including (F’s, W’s and WI’s) are considered unofficially withdrawn from the University and will be placed on financial aid suspension. Federal regulations require that a return of funds calculation be completed on all students who receive federal aid unless the last day of attendance can be confirmed with the Registrar’s Office past the 60 percent date in that session. This calculation may result in the student owing the University or the Department of Education a balance that must be paid prior to the next term of enrollment.

Graduation/Commencement Information

Application for Degree

Degree candidates must apply for Graduation through Student Self-Service by the deadline specified below:

Spring and Summer: January 3rd

Fall: August 1st 

Deadline dates are also published on the OLLU Narrative Calendar which can be obtained on the Registrar’s Office Portal site.

Graduation Courtesy Policy

University requires that the student must be enrolled and earn a minimum of one hour of university credit in the term s/he completes degree requirements. All degree requirements must be completed by:

Spring: Second Friday in April

Summer: Second Friday in July

Fall: Second Friday in November

this excludes currently enrolled coursework which must be completed by the end of the term in which the student is graduating. Refer to the OLLU Narrative Calendar: Early Grades Deadline, located on the Registrar’s Office Portal site. Should the student not complete all degree requirements by this deadline, but completes all degree requirements on or before the last day of that term, the student is not required to register for the next (graduation) term.

Graduation Participation Policy

Part I: Credit Hours needed to Participate

Student will be eligible to participate if the following criteria are met:

  1. Student is registered for all pending course requirements and successfully completes all registered hours OR
  2. Student is registered for all pending course requirements and successfully completes all registered hours except for 3 or less hours. This could be due to failing a course or receiving and I or X grade at the end of registered term AND
  3. Student has completed all other degree’s requirements such as Portfolio, etc.

Part II: Summer Degree Recipients

  1. All students completing degree requirements during a Summer Academic session will be allowed to participate in the December commencement ceremony.
  2. Students will be allowed to participate in May commencement if:
  • Student is lacking 6 or less hours to complete their degree requirements
  • Student has completed their Portfolio, etc.
  • Student must notify the Registrar’s Office of their intent to participate by the deadline to apply for graduation. If student does not notify the Registrar’s Office of their intent to participate in the May commencement by the application deadline, their name will be added to the December Commencement list to participate.

Final Grades for Courses Taken Away from OLLU During Term in Which Graduating

Bachelor degree candidates who are taking courses at other institutions in the final term must make arrangements with the faculty at the other institution(s) to have final grades submitted to the Our Lady of the Lake University’s Registrar’s Office by the deadline specified in the University calendar (usually the Tuesday prior to commencement). A hold will be placed on the student’s record until receipt of the official transcript from the other institution reflecting the final grades. This hold will apply to any/all types of verification of degree: final transcripts (with graduation date), letters of completion and any other type of degree verification.

External Credit for Degree Candidates

Bachelor degree candidates must have completed and had posted to their student record the term prior to the graduating term all Prior Learning Assessments (credit by exam, CLEP, DANTES, military record evaluation, certified career credit, portfolios) and correspondence courses.

Commencement Exercises and Conferring of Degrees

Our Lady of the Lake University confers degrees in May, August, and December. Commencement exercises are held in San Antonio in May and December. Students who complete requirements in August may participate in either May or December commencement exercises.

Degree candidates will be notified of place and time for ordering caps and gowns. There is no charge for the rental of the cap and gown. At the students expense, invitations and/or announcements may be ordered at the same time.

A student who has completed all degree requirements may request a letter from the Registrar indicating that the degree will be formally conferred at the next degree-conferring date.

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors are awarded to undergraduate students who have maintained high levels of scholastic achievement. Honors are awarded based on fulfillment of the following criteria:

  1. 3.5+ cumulative (overall) AND institutional (OLLU) grade point average for all college-level coursework
  2. Completion of 30 semester hours on a grade basis at OLLU
  3. Level of graduation honors is determined on the cumulative (overall) grade point average. In determining the level of honors, the cumulative grade point average cannot be higher than the institutional (OLLU) grade point average. In this case, the institutional (OLLU) grade point average will be used to determine the honors.

Level of honors are:

3.50 - 3.749 = cum laude
3.75 - 3.899 = magna cum laude
3.90 - 4.00 = summa cum laude

Holds on Transcripts for Degree Recipients

In some instances, a hold will be placed on a student’s record at the time of graduation for outstanding obligations to the University. This hold will prevent the release of any information concerning the conferring of the student’s degree. These obligations might include receipt of final transcript from another institution reflecting final grades received in that term, exit interviews, financial balances, overdue library books and fines.

Retention Office

For more information on the Retention Office, click here.

Student Business Office

The Student Business Office is the final step in the registration process. Registration is completed only after receiving final confirmation of registration from the Student Business Office. The office assists all students with registration invoices and monthly payments. For questions regarding student accounts, please call 210-434-6711, ext. 3929 or visit the Student Business Office located in the Walter Student Service Center or email studentaccounts@lake.ollusa.edu.

Final Confirmation of Registration

The Student Business Office provides students financial information electronically through my-OLLU portal, Self-Service, Student Finance and the University’s online student accounts financial system. Students must obtain Final Confirmation of Registration in order to complete the registration process by completing the following four requirements:

  1. Agreeing to the Financial Responsibility in myOLLU portal, Self-Service, Student Finance
  2. Enrolling in a payment agreement if NOT fully covered by financial aid. This includes students paying in full, paying balance of tuition/fees less financial aid or if covered by an employer
  3. Making an initial payment as stated on the payment agreement
  4. Taking care of all outstanding issues with the Student Business Office such as a prior balance and/or mismatched registration verses financial aid awarded hours.

Payment deadlines are available at the Student Business Office’s myOLLU portal page. Please see this website for information on employer reimbursed plans, payment agreement enrollment instructions, and other information, such as policies and deadlines. Various payment options are:

One-Installment Payment Plan

Available in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.

  • Payment in full due by deferred date or date of enrollment in a payment agreement.
  • Payment can be net of financial aid or employer reimbursement amount.
  • $47 late payment fee assessed.

Two-Installment Payment Plan 

Available in the Fall, Spring, Summer semesters and Fast Track A or B only*.

  • 50% due by deferred date or the date of enrollment in a payment agreement.
  • Remainder due as stated in the payment agreement.
  • $47 late payment fee assessed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

*Some Online programs are not eligible for this plan.

Four-Installment Payment Plan 

Available in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters or students registered for Fast Track A and B only and/or non-traditional students.

  • 25% due by deferred date or date of enrollment in a payment agreement
  • 25% due as stated on payment agreement
  • 25% due as stated on payment agreement
  • 25% due as stated on payment agreement
  • Requires a payment plan fee of $47

Five-Installment Payment Plan 

Available in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters or students registered for Fast Track A and B only and/or non-traditional students.

  • 20% due by deferred date or date of enrollment in a payment agreement
  • 20% due as stated on payment agreement
  • 20% due as stated on payment agreement
  • 20% due as stated on payment agreement
  • Requires a payment plan fee of $47

Summer I, II or III, Fast Track A or B and some Online programs are not eligible for this plan.

An email confirming the plan will be sent to the student’s University email address immediately, and soon after an email will be sent either for Final Confirmation of Registration or indicating the action to be taken. Payments may be made online, in person, or mailed. Checks payable to Our Lady of the Lake University, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express are accepted. Eligible Veterans should contact the Veterans Coordinator in the Office of Financial Aid for assistance in completing necessary paperwork.

A book voucher may be available at the University Bookstore if expected financial aid is in excess of tuition, fees, and other charges for the session provided you have received final confirmation of registration.

If a student decides not to attend OLLU and has already registered, it is the responsibility of the student to formally withdraw per the Financial Obligation and Refunds Policy. Students will be liable for any tuition due if they do not formally withdraw. University tuition, fees and other charges are a debt incurred for educational purposes and are considered a Qualified Educational Loan as defined in section 221 (D) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Refund Policy-Credit Balances

  1. Refund Delivery Policy - The University prefers that all refunds to students be delivered via electronic fund transfer (E-Refund). Students should enroll in E-Refund at least 10 days before the first scheduled disbursement.
    • Financial Aid Refunds are processed weekly after the 100 percent drop period of the start of a term. Federal regulations require that excess be disbursed within 14 days from when funds are credited to the student’s account (not when awarded).
    • Students will be notified via e-mail when an E-Refund has been disbursed. Students should allow at least 24 hours for the funds to be credited to their bank account.
    • Students can set-up E-Refund by logging into myOLLU portal Self-Service, Student Finance select “Make Payment/Confirm” select “Continue to Payment Center,” select “Refunds” followed by “Set up Account.” On the Account information, students should enter checking account information and check the box to agree to the terms and enter. You will receive a message stating your bank account information has been saved.
  2. If a student does not enroll in E-Refund, the financial aid refund will be disbursed by check. The check will be mailed to the student’s preferred mailing address as indicated in University records. If a mailed check is not received at the preferred address, there is a 10-business day waiting period before a replacement check can be issued. Disbursements can be checked by logging into E-Commerce and selecting “View Activity.” Estimated Financial Aid listed, is considered pending aid and is not subject to refund until finalized.

Delinquency and Default

Students delinquent on or in default of payments and students with returned checks may be withdrawn from the University. Such students may be readmitted the following term if all financial obligations are cleared and the student is otherwise academically eligible for readmission. Balances must be paid in full before transcripts and diploma can be released. Our Lady of the Lake University reserves the right to deny readmission based on student’s credit history with Our Lady of the Lake University.

**Effective July 1, 2024 regulation C.F.R 668.14(b)(34) an institution may not withhold any students official transripts for any balance owed.** 

In the event of default, students must pay the holder the amounts incurred and court costs and attorney fees in the amount assessed by the court and/or collection fees assessed by an agency in the business of collecting just debts. University tuition, fees and other charges are a debt incurred for educational purposes and are considered a Qualified Educational Loan as defined in section 221 (D) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Notice of Consent to Communications

By registering students’ expressly consent to Our Lady of the Lake University, its affiliates, agents, and service providers to use written, electronic, or verbal means to contact them as the law allows. This consent includes, but is not limited to, contact by manual calling methods, prerecorded or artificial voice messages, emails and/or automated telephone dialing systems. Students’ also expressly consent to Our Lady of the Lake University their affiliates, agents, and service providers to contact students by telephone at any telephone number associated with their account, currently or in the future, including wireless telephone numbers, regardless of whether they incur charges as a result. Students agree that Our Lady of the Lake University, their affiliates, agents, and service providers may record telephone calls regarding students’ accounts in assurance of quality and/or other reasons.

Financial Obligations and Tuition Refunds

A student who is delinquent or in default of payment(s) and/or returned check(s) due the University, may be withdrawn from the University in the term the delinquency or default occurs and cannot be readmitted for that term. A student who has been withdrawn from the University may be readmitted the following term if all payments due the University are paid and the student is otherwise eligible for readmission. Our Lady of the Lake University reserves the right to deny readmission based on students’ credit history with Our Lady of the Lake University. Transcripts and diploma are not issued to students who have not met all obligations to the University.

**Effective July 1, 2024 regulation C.F.R 668.14(b)(34) an institution may not withhold any students official transripts for any balance owed.** 

Refunds for tuition and fees in all cases are calculated from the date the properly completed withdrawal form is received in the Registrar’s Office, located in Walter Student Service Center, Room 104. Consideration cannot be given to the date the student ceased attending classes unless proper withdrawal procedures have been followed:

  1. Obtain proper form(s) from Registrar’s Office, located in Walter Student Service Center, Room 104
  2. Obtain signature of adviser
  3. Submit completed form(s) to Registrar for final processing
    - San Antonio campus: submit to Registrar’s Office, located in Walter Student Service Center, Room 104
    - Houston campus: OLLU- 600 N. Sam Houston Parkway West (Beltway8)
    - La Feria (Rio Grande Valley) 1650 S. Main, Room 113 

Online students may submit the form by email to registrar@ollusa.edu

Application fees and advance tuition deposits for new students are not refundable. After the 100 percent refund period, all other fees are forfeited.

If proper withdrawal procedures have been followed, tuition is adjusted according to the following schedule:

Traditional Classes
Fall / Spring
Tuition/Housing Lab Fees Other Fees
1-5 days after start of session 100% 100% 100%
6-19 days after start of session 50% -0- -0-
20 plus days after start of session -0- -0- -0-


1-4 days after start of session 100% 100% 100%
5-6 days after start of session 50% -0- -0-
7 plus days after start of session -0- -0- -0-

Weekends and Holidays are not included in calculation
Non-Traditional Classes:

Fall / Spring      
1-8 days after start of session 100% 100% 100%
9-19 days after start of session 50% -0- -0-
20 plus days after start of session -0- -0- -0-


1-8 days after start of session 100% 100% 100%
9-19 days after start of session 50% -0- -0-
20 plus days after start of session -0- -0- -0-


Fast-Track terms      
1-8 days after start of session 100% 100% 100%
9 plus days after start of session -0- -0- -0-

Weekends may or may not be included in calculation, depending on program, refer to posted calendars on the Registrar’s website http://www.ollusa.edu/registrar. Holidays are not included in calculation.

Classification of traditional/non-traditional is determined by program and number of weeks attending. Assistantships are rescinded at the time a student withdraws from the University.

Dropping/Withdrawing - Return of Title IV Funds for Financial Aid Recipients

Refer back to the Financial Aid section of the catalog.

Student Employment Office

For more information on the Student Employment Office, click here.

Testing Center

For more information on the Testing Center, click here.

Tutoring Center

For more information on the Tutoring Center, click here.

Writing Center

For more information on the Writing Center, click here.

Programs and Services


For more information on Athletics, click here.


For more information on the Bookstore, click here.

Biliterate Certificate Program

For more information on the Biliterate Certificate Program, click here.

Campus Recreation

Campus Safety

For more information on Campus Safety, click here.

Career Development Services

For more information on the Career Development Services, click here.

Clubs & Organizations

For more information on the Clubs and Organizations, click here.

Community Counseling Service

For more information on the Community Counseling Services, click here.

Counseling Services

For more information on the Counseling Services, click here.


For more information on the Dining, click here.

Disability Services

For more information on the Disability Services, click here.

Health Services

For more information on the Health Services, click here.

Housing/Residence Life


A student must be enrolled in the University in each academic semester in order to live in the residence halls. A $200 non-refundable housing application fee is required at the time a student applies for on-campus housing and remains in effect for the uninterpreted duration of the student’s residence on campus. If a student departs from more than one semester from campus housing, they are susceptible to paying the application fee again.

The residence hall application fee:

  • Activates the student’s file in the Residence Life Office;

If residence hall space is not available, the housing application fee will be refunded.

Rooms are contracted for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters) or Spring only if entering in to the contract at the mid-point of the academic year. Refunds are based on the University refund schedule outlined under Financial Obligation and Tuition Refunds. Room rent does not cover residence between semesters, during Winter break except for Lake View Apartments. Only students in Lake View Apartments are eligible for Winter Break housing. Exceptions are made on a case on a case by case basis. Room rent also does not cover the board plan is issued as a separate charge. Both room rent and board are due and payable according to the established payment schedule for all University charges.

Residential Facilities

The Residence Life program is designed to provide an atmosphere conducive to the development of each resident’s personality and abilities. Emphasizing community life and personal growth, the Residence Life program helps students develop their interpersonal skills and enrich their educational and social experiences.

The Residence Life Office staff includes the director of residence life, residence life, coordinators, graduate assistant and a resident assistant staff of approximately 16 students. The Residence Student Policies and Procedures Handbook, is available online to all students, contains detailed information on housing applications, room assignments, fees, refunds, holiday closings, insurance, rules and regulations, and other pertinent information.

The University provides food service for on-campus resident students as well as faculty, staff and commuter students. All students living in the residence halls are required to participate in one of the board plan options provided for food service. Students may purchase meals and snacks on an à la carte basis in the Main Building dining hall. Additionally, à la carte snacks, prepackaged meals, and other items are available for purchase with a meal plan of credit/debit care in the convenience store located in the Saints Lounge and Market. Both options are available every day of the week when classes are in session and the residence halls are open.

Three traditional residence halls and one apartment complex provide on-campus housing for students of Our Lady of the Lake University. Designed to meet students’ needs for privacy as well as community life, the residence halls and apartments offer students the choice of private or shared rooms with common lounges for recreation and study.

Click here for more information regarding University housing facilities.

Honors Program

For more information on the Honors Program, click here.

McNair Scholars Program

For more information on the McNair Scholars Program, click here.

Military Science (Army R.O.T.C., St. Mary’s University)

The Army maintains a senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program at St. Mary’s University. Our Lady of the Lake University students interested in participating in Army ROTC may do so through the cross-enrollment agreement between St. Mary’s and OLLU. Four-year and two-year programs are available to eligible students.

Military Science classes and leadership labs are held at St. Mary’s University. Classes are held  throughout the week and all military science classes include a leadership lab requirement. The leadership lab is a two-hour course taught every Wednesday from 3-5 p.m. It is intended to supplement classroom instruction and focuses on development of individual leadership skills through field training, practical exercises, and visits to military installations.

Four-Year Program

The Basic Course, usually pursued during the freshman and sophomore years, is voluntary for students who are physically qualified for military training. There is no obligation incurred unless the student accepts an ROTC scholarship. Veterans who have completed Army basic training (or sister service equivalent) and who received an honorable discharge, or high school students who have completed three or four years of high school JROTC may be granted credit for the basic course with approval of the St. Mary’s Professor of Military Science.

The Advanced Course may be pursued by students who are physically and academically qualified. Cadets are normally enrolled in the Advanced Course during their junior and senior year or during graduate school. Students are required to attend a four-week ROTC Advanced Camp the summer following the junior year. Upon satisfactory completion of the Advanced Camp and the academic work required for a degree, students are commissioned as second lieutenants in the United States Regular Army, the Army Reserves, or the Army National Guard.

Two-Year Program

In addition to the standard four-year course outlined above, the St. Mary’s University Military Science Department offers a two-year program for those who are Veterans who have completed Army basic training (or sister service equivalent) and who received an honorable discharge, or high school students who have completed three or four years of high school JROTC may enroll in the Advance Course with approval of the St. Mary’s Professor of Military Science. For those students that did not complete the Basic Course. In order to enroll in the Advanced Course, a student must successfully complete four weeks Basic Camp provided at Fort Knox, KY. During the summer months prior to beginning the junior year or the first year of graduate school.

If students desire to take advantage of this opportunity, they should communicate directly with the St. Mary’s enrollment officer no later than March 1 of the year preceding the last two years of college. Those students seeking a master’s degree or law degree are eligible to participate in the two-year program.

Scholarship and Remuneration

The Army offers four, three, and two year competitive scholarships. This assistance consists of payment up to $40,000 per year to cover tuition and fees, a $1,200 a year book stipend, and a monthly stipend of $420 per month. The student need NOT be enrolled in the ROTC program to apply for a scholarship. Students interested in competing for scholarship assistance should contact the St. Mary’s University Army ROTC enrollment officer at 210-436-3415. Additionally, students are paid for all required summer training.

Formally enrolled Advanced Course students, not under the scholarship program, will be given a $420 per month grant annually by the Secretary of the Army not to exceed 20 months. During any summer camps, all students are paid at the rate of one half of the base pay per month of a second lieutenant in lieu of subsistence allowance.

Uniform and Equipment

All uniforms, textbooks and other equipment will be issued, free of charge, to students enrolled in Army ROTC courses.

Information and Equipment

The Professor of Military Science and the Army ROTC offices are located on the bottom floor of Treadway Hall at St. Mary’s University. The telephone number is 210-436-3415 or email the ROTC office at ROTC@stmarytx.edu.

Sueltenfuss Library

For more information on the Sueltenfuss Library, click here.

Transfer Services

For more information on the Transfer Services, click here.

University Ministry

For more information on the University Ministry, click here.